The Raven



1 year, 10 months ago












The Raven

Harbinger, Messenger

  • The Awakener
  • Words
  • Flight
  • Rest
  • Rain
  • Daggers
  • Threats to the Awakener
  • Kin of the Awakener
  • Quiet
  • Loyal
  • Protective
  • Curious
  • The Raven is an undead messenger raven from White-Gold.
  • It has a patch on its left shoulder, unnatural in creation.
  • It is vastly intelligent, even among ravens.
  • While it can speak, it can only mimic words it hears - though it will find a way to warn its Awakener of any threat with those words.


Once one of the Imperial messenger ravens of White-Gold Tower, the Raven, sent to find Cindia Tharn by her father, Abnur Tharn, was killed in a fight with a hawk in Skyrim - but that was not the end. The first thrall of Cindia Tharn to be created, it had spent years flying through Tamriel, watching its Awakener and waiting for when she needed it most.

Since returning to Cindia, it has shown an uncanny ability to warn those it wishes to of danger or send messages between Cindia and her allies - as long as said allies know what the bird is, of course - and has shown to even fight on Cindia's behalf despite its small size compared to those that threaten its Awakener.

The Raven's Awakener, the woman who gave it new life - and the one the magic used on it before bound the Raven to. It is highly protective of Cindia, warning her of what is to come and fighting on her behalf.

Cindia has had a rocky relationship with her thrall, having tried to re-kill it twice, but has since found comfort in the bird who watches over her fate.

The first ally its Awakener made after running from the lands of the Covenant, the Raven grew attached to Laena, and Laena, in turn, seems to have a fondness for it as well. It often ferries messages between the Vestige and the Tharn.

Unbeknownst to Laena, the Raven also grew interested in her tainted life-threads; as the Vestige, her soul remains marked by Molag Bal's influence.

Taking quite a liking to Neci from the start (perhaps due to her powers of Sight), the Raven has taken to warning Neci of dangers as well, though it seems to know that she doesn't like it as much as it likes her.

Neci is rather unnerved by the bird, and usually tries to keep her distance from it - probably for the best, since she doesn't want to kill Cindia's most useful thrall.