Nadirah Mian



6 years, 5 months ago



Gentle || Cunning || Strong-Willed || Ambitious || Kind

NameNadirah MianGenderFemale
AgeDied at age 45, dead for 22 yearsSpeciesCentaur (Ghost)
  • The bright, hot sun
  • Running and swimming
  • Books
  • Being brushed (with a GHOST BRUSH!!)
  • The Council of Welshara
  • The greed of the rich and powerful
  • Being dead
  • Swear words



ColorationGray-blue fur, lower part of her face is a lighter shadeBuildHorse
Other Features
  • Long, dark blue mane
  • In life she had tan fur and dark brown hair
  • If a horse wore a skirt would she wear it like this or like this
  • Her horse-torso (horso) is much smaller than a normal horse.
  • Slightly transparent, and glows a bit
  • Short fur across her entire body
PersonalityNadirah is gentle, kind, and innocent on the surface... but on the inside, she's still gentle and kind, just also super cunning. She's a schemer with a forked tongue, but she uses these skills explicitly for good, and not for self-gain.
Magic User StatusMonk
Powers/SkillsAs a ghost, she can become invisible, and pass through solid objects and be unharmed by non-ghostly physical attacks. However, her awakened status increases her ghostly abilities; she can now possess people, taking over their bodies. While possessing someone, she vastly increases their physical strength and can let them fly. As a Celestial rank magic user, she's one of the strongest magic users in the world, and her physical strength actually outmatches most of the other Celestials.



Nadirah lived in an all centaur town in the Middle East. She was a powerful unawakened magic user with immense speed and strength already. However, she rarely relied on her strength-boosting aura, which was abnormally powerful despite her lack of training, and most times she willfully restrained to a mere smoulder. This meant, that at times, she was no stronger than a normal centaur, so her death caught her off guard.

While resting in the wilds, she was mistaken as an animal by poachers, and shot from afar. If she had her aura fired up, she would have sensed the bullets coming, even been able to snatch them out of the air like pebbles, but she didn't. Her death was so sudden, she hadn't realized she'd died.

But, with her death, she became a ghost, and also became an awakened magic user. She trained her magic powers so as to protect herself from Reapers, and in doing so discovered her massive magical potential. Soon, the Council of Welshara discovered her in turn, and offered to bring her back to life in exchange for operating on their council. Unfortunately, they were not able to make do on that promise; her sudden death permanently marked her soul, making it incapable of having a physical form ever again. Still, she accepted the position for protection from Reapers.

But Nadirah didn't like the culture of the council, grooming young and powerful magic users to treat themselves as the ultimate arbiter on all things, simply based off of their massive power. She knew she couldn't enact change by herself, but she set her mind to learning the ropes of the council, the schemes and backstabbing, so she could at least try to guide the council towards more constructive deeds.


In-Game Fighting Style

  • Nadirah ranks amongst the most powerful aura in the Council of Welshara. When possessing a body, her physical might is almost unmatched.
  • The fact that she's "perma-dead" is not uncommon for dead people, especially those who died suddenly or of old age.
  • When she possesses people, its not so much she enters their physical body as she occupies the same space as it.
  • If she possesses Melissa, she takes over all of her duplicates, too.
  • She's been on the council for 20 years.
  • When possessing someone, she can't copy their magical abilities (excluding Adept abilities), and the physical strength they get is only from her aura, not their own.
  • During the time when she was training her powers, she liked to mess up the equipment of poachers.
  • Possessing people has numerous side-effects for the possessee, including lowered body temperature, shaking and muscle spasms, feelings of paranoia and anxiety, and vivid nightmares. They last longer the longer she possesses you, but never longer than about a week. However, it can already last for more than a few hours even if she just possesses you briefly.
  • Sapiosexual
  • Physically cannot remove her clothes; they're part of her body. She can't even pull down her hijab.
  • For comparison, Celestial Rank magic users are on-par with S-Rank heroes from One Punch Man.

description of in-game role