


6 years, 4 months ago




Born during the spring of the second year
Current Age: 1 years
Mate: Inteus
Pack: Woodland Banes
Rank: Guard
Parents: D'artagan & Isobel
Stepmother: Sokanon
Siblings:Chaska, Ninati
Half-Siblings: Mato, Ruella, Alton, Emse & Onyx (deceased)
Pups: None


Miu has always been a bit of a headstrong female, a combination of both her mother's stubborn nature and her father's quiet determination. She hates being made to feel like she's lesser because she is female. She aims to show everyone she could one day take her father's position as leader of the guard.

Born to the Delta's of the Woodland Bane pack, D'artagan and Isobel, and of pure Alpha bloodlines, Miu was second in a litter of three.
Miu quickly found she was often excluded in the games the boys would play, and never really worried about her appearance like the girls would do. She often found herself stuck in the middle, and so she determined to show everyone she could one day be as great as any male even greater.
As she grew she proved herself many times over to be the hardest working of the warriors, she passed up all the males quickly making herself the one at her father's side; but all this work and no play took it's toll on her and she began snapping at everyone and anyone including her best friend as a pup, Inteus, it seemed anything the male did irritated her, but why?
Part of her irriation was due to the distraction the male became to her, keeping her from her top potential, but thanks to Hunter's guidance she realized she didn't always have to be so gruff, and while her relationship with her family grew stronger she and Inteus still felt distant, until the day of the war with the Whitehounds. She and Inteus were out as a hunting party, as the hunt progressed she realized how good of a hunter he actually was. In a moment of excitement she pressed her nose to his, and Inteus was hooked, a kiss to the cheek sent her on a emotional roller coaster she did not understand.
Wounded from the war, Miu was den bound for many days, and Inteus took this as his chance to get closer to her. It took some time but once he got past her prickly exterior she realized how much attraction there was between them. When she finally gave in it was a whole new experience all together, and she looks forward to her life with her new mate.