

2 years, 2 months ago


a smoke-based black tabby with anxious amber eyes

( a flame snuffed out )

prev. names Devilpaw
Gender AMAB (MTF)
pronouns he/him
age 16
sexuality bisexual
rank warrior
faction AlleyClan


In his prime, the fresh warrior Daredevil was known in AlleyClan for his partialness to particularly risky tricks and stunts. His prefix was given to him after he completed his warrior assessment of setting fire to an abanoned Twoleg shack.


Based on his loner name, a bad cat pun of the devil's alias, young Lucifur was dubbed Devilpaw by Pennystar after joining the ramshackle bunch of AlleyClan.

Daredevil, as a fresh AlleyClan warrior, was the life of the party; always pulling off dangerous stunts and playing with fire - sometimes literally - made him an intriguing cat to get to know. However, not too long in his warriorhood took place the Polix Massacre, an event that remains stained in his mind, covered in red and echoing with screams of the dead, each voice crystal clear even now.

❝ Sometimes to run is the brave thing... ❞

Since that cruel night, Daredevil has become a shell of his former self. Treading on eggshells around the cats who used to be some of his greatest friends, and avoiding his bloodthirsty and grief-stricken uncle, Jumpingstar, at all possible costs. Few cats really know what happened that night, but many speculate the Massacre as the cause for such a sudden behavioral change in the once-hazardous molly. They don't hear the whispers...

Talk to Me

( )

0:00 4:31
Anxiety, tossing, turning in your sleep
Even if you run away, you still see them in your dreams
It's so dark tonight, but you'll survive, certainly
It's alright, come inside, and talk to me






Paws & Skin







tall & lanky

( design notes )

  • Daredevil has large ears with an earring scar in each lobe
  • Daredevil's eyes are sharp and upturned
  • Daredevil has many bald patches from stress chewing
Marigold & Asphalt

  • White noise
  • Colorful things
  • Hiding

  • Sodapop
  • AlleyClan
  • The smell of Carrion

  • Jumpingstar
  • Being cornered
  • Losing his senses

  • Make it up to the remaining Polix Cats
  • Escape AlleyClan
  • Save his friends

( Personality )

experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Daredevil is undoubtedly a worrier. His mind often dwells on the worst possible scenario in a situation and isn't above assuming the worst in other felines. In his mind, it's the only thing keeping him safe.

(of a person) anxious and uneasy.

Daredevil is very easily startled. Loud noises, such as the dumpster truck each Friday, or the loud bass of AlleyClan's booming party music, make his stomach squirm and his fur stand on end. He falls asleep many nights with his paws shoved in his ears.

drained of one's physical or mental resources; very tired.

Daredevil has found that he has extreme trouble falling asleep these days, and when he does eventually succumb to slumber, it is often light and frequently disturbed. He has large eyebags as a result of this insomnia and sleep deprivation.

having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.

Ever since the Polix Massacre, in which the true bloody colors of each AlleyClan cat was revealed, Daredevil has become heavily suspicious of each one of his clanmates, often treading with caution around them.

This includes even his uncle, Jumpingstar, and once-inseperable littermate, Hotshot.

nervous or excitable; easily scared.

Daredevil is easily frightened and will often run away from what may even seem as perpetually harmless situations. He is always light on his paws, ready to bolt at the slightest noise or tremor.

slow to reveal emotion or opinions.

Daredevil rarely exposes his vulnerable mental states or contradictary beliefs regarding AlleyClan. Only around his closest friends does he let his guard down and relax his stressed, tight muscles.

( trivia )

  • Daredevil enjoys shiny things
  • Daredevil hums when he concentrates
  • Daredevil, despite being too anxious and guilty to lay a claw on another cat, is actually an excellent combatist

Opinion on the current state of things in AlleyClan? – Lovesick

Um.. fine, I suppose… a party is soon..? Yay... I do think that my uncl- er, Jumpingstar, should pick a deputy soon. He seems frazzled... ever since... the Massacre... sorry, what was the question?

... How can I make ya less anxious? – Fishsticks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Daredevil, dear, it's been quite so long since I've seen you on a heist -- wouldn't you like to go on a quick quest? – Jetlag

N-n-no thank you! Um, no thank you.

Dare, could you ever live without your family? Love is better fleeting than lost, no? – Bloodhound

... What family?

What happened to that strong warrior you used to be?– Sodapop

... She’s gone, Soda. Dead. Just like every single Polix cat you slaughtered that day.

❝ Wh-Why are you asking me these things? Why do you want to know? ❞
The Beginning

Lucifur was born, alongside her littermate Hotshot, to a pair of loners named Minky and Dutch. Minky was a vain molly and also Jumpingstar's sister, though they didn't have a very close relationship. Dutch was a significantly better parent than her counterpart, but her devotion to her mate made it so the pair decided to bring Lucifur and Hotshot to Minky's brother, then known as Jumpingjacks, to see if he could take them into the elusive bunch of city cats called AlleyClan. Being taken into the clan at apprentices, Lucifur was renamed Devilpaw, a clever connection to her birth name. Having a blood relation to the current deputy of Alleyclan, both Devilpaw and Hotpaw were given gentler warrior assessments: Devilpaw had the meager, albeit still thrilling task, of setting an abandoned Twoleg shack on fire. After accomplishing the task in a flash, Devilpaw was given the new name Daredevil, a reflection of her fierce spirit and lust for adrenaline.

As an AlleyClan warrior, Daredevil fit in almost immediately. Befriending the equally bloodthirsty Sodapop, Daredevil honed her skills to the maximum, performing only the most risque and flaming stunts, and adorned herself with bold, shiny accessories that reflected her uncanny ability for cat burlgary, such as bulky chains and large, spiny hoop earrings. With the favor of being the deputy's neice, Daredevil grew quickly in AlleyClan ranks, their sharp claws and sharper tongue demanding respect from her peers. It was this world, an ideal one for a model AlleyClan warrior, that was turned upside down with the disasterous genocide that was the Polix Massacre.

The Now

The night of the Polix Massacre, everything changed. As an undeniable fresh AlleyClan warrior, Daredevil had not yet actually fought in a real battle. Sure, her claws had always been unsheathed during training, as is to be expected in the rearing of AlleyClan apprentices, but she had never truly drawn blood tainted with anger, bloodlust, or revenge. It was a completely new experience; and an unwelcome one at that. Daredevil could do nothing but watch numbly as her uncle, her family, took a kitten in its jaws and crushed its spine with nothing but his maw. Screams of terror, rather than thrill and fun, rang in Daredevil's ears, and it took everything she had not to run away from the entire scene. Though she didn't stop the fight in any way, something in Daredevil broke that day. Something that would remain broken for the remaining course of her life.

Upon the aftermath of the battle, Daredevil was a completely different cat. Abandoning her heavy chains and tearing the blood-tarnished earrings from her ears, Daredevil felt trapped even in their own pronouns, and began to use he/him pronouns, so that when cats referred to him, they would no longer refer to the Daredevil who had allowed this to happen, hadn't seen the corruptness of AlleyClan from the moment he joined. Instead of adorning himself with bright caution tape, he placed two blooming marigolds behind his ears; a signal for change, and to respect the deaths which resulted from the massacre on both sides.

Now Daredevil lives a life of paranoia and suspicion, slinking away in the dark of night away from the piles of gathered AlleyClan cats, partying long into the night. Cautious now around cats who used to be his closest friends, Daredevil remains skeptical of even his own family - especially Jumpingstar, who remained furious and grief-stricken at the death of his closest friend, Pennystar, from the Polix Massacre. Slowly but surely, though, Daredevil has gradually been kindling new relationships, such as those with Hollywood and Fishsticks. They seem to be... different... just like him....

  • Daredevil and Hotshot given to AlleyClan as kittens, named Devilpaw and Hotpaw.
  • Devilpaw given the name Daredevil as a warrior. Not long after, AlleyClan declared war on the Polix and the Polix Massacre ensued.
  • In the aftermath of the Massacre, Daredevil became closed-off and paranoid, cutting off all of his previous relationships and becoming heavily suspicious of all cats surrounding him and especially Jumpingstar.
(Future) Lover/Close Friend

( opposites attract )

"I like... sitting with you..."
"Don't be so modest, hun, you know I love you more than that!"


Fishsticks, the small, bald, rotund feline, is perhaps not the vision of one's first thought of "AlleyClan warrior." However, this just makes her company all the more charming to the nervous and reserved Daredevil. Fishsticks' outgoing and affectionate personality quickly grew on Daredevil, and it didn't take long for the pair to become close friends, with Daredevil feeling deep care and protection over the tiny molly, especially considering her chosen mate, Sodapop, being the bloodthirsty and cruel cat that he is.

Fishsticks is undeniably good company for Daredevil. Despite her funny accent and queer appearance, she always seems to have advice on Daredevil's problems regarding anxiety and irrational fears - she's become a therapist of sorts for the closed-off warrior. She continously pushes Daredevil out of his comfort zone, even into joining parties with her or going hunting for accessories in the unknown parts of the cities. Slowly but surely, she has helped Daredevil crawl out of his shell, and he hopes to one day return the favor to the compassionate molly.



Jumpingstar is Daredevil's uncle and the reason that he and his littermate, Hotshot, were given to AlleyClan in the first place. Prior to the Massacre, Daredevil and Jumpingstar had what resembled a father-daughter relationship, but that was shattered in the Polix Massacre as Daredevil watched Jumpingstar maul kitten and cat, tooth and claw. Daredevil tries to avoid him at all costs now, and sees only the hungry lust for vengeance in the new leader's eyes, where there once was fondness.



Hotshot is Daredevil's brother and littermate. The pair were inseperable throughout their AlleyClan apprenticeship and most of their warriorhood, but since the Massacre, Daredevil has been closed off towards his brother and stays mostly distanced from the tomcat. The Massacre disrupted Hotshot's own self-assurance in AlleyClan, but Daredevil hasn't even considered that possibility.


Daredevil didn't want to befriend Hollywood at first. But the flamboyant tomcat's suave talk and persistent attempts at interaction made it hard not to. Daredevil goes to Hollywood for all of his fashion needs, including the upcoming Masquerade.


Daredevil and Sodapop got along just fine before the Massacre. Daredevil's own risk-loving personality paired with Sodapop's neverending bloodlust, they were set up to be quite a powerful duo. The Massacre, however, left Daredevil a nervous shell of his former self, and Sodapop the victor of most Polix killed... it was an inevitable split. Daredevil remains cautious around Sodapop, and is especially bitter about his relationship with Fishsticks.

another one of those days

Carousel round and round
Like a kid's toy you wind me up
And I've got nothing to say
So you just throw me in the dump truck.

Anxiety Song
Human Petting Zoo

I can't stand being alone for just a little while
Just a couple hours and I will hate myself
Anxiety has led me to believe that all my friends will leave
They're never coming back to me, and I will die alone.