| Human | Tael



1 year, 11 months ago




Tael is a rather eccentric individual with an odd yet playful disposition that often takes people a little off guard. He almost always seems to be in a rather pleasant mood, excited to talk about his favorite topics even to shady strangers. Though Tael is quite excitable about the things he himself is interested in he's not very good at hiding his disinterest and boredom in things he doesn't care about. He will even go as far as to state this fact in hopes that his boredom could be alleviated by a change in topic. Upon first meeting him it may be difficult to take him seriously or be able to tell when he is joking or not. His intelligence is often underestimated due to his normally carefree or silly attitude. When it comes to his passion for marine life and his pet shop though he takes the care of animals incredibly seriously and he will completely shift into a more serious and almost intimidating demeanor if he thinks you're not taking the care of animals seriously, chastising you for your faults and informing you of the proper ways to care for the animal in question.


species human

gender male

height 5'7

age 23

sexuality homosexual

occupationpet shop owner

location neoterra


While Tael currently lives in Neoterra he was born and raised in safe and beautiful utopia known as The Pinnacle. Tael was always seen as a rather odd even as a child. Despite his elite education and prestigious social environment Tael didn't seem to fit in quite right and his understanding social ques and personal space seemed to lacking. No matter how much his parents tried to drill proper etiquette into his head it seemed to fail and as a result Tael would often embarrass his parents during social events.

At a young age Tael would discover his love for marine life through his schooling. He'd never seen an ocean but he knew he was in love with them and all the creatures that lived in it. Tael would become hyperfixated on aquatic creatures, filling his mind with any information he could get his hands on about them. Due to the destruction of most of the earth, leaving it uninhabitable to most things, many creatures became extinct. This included aquatic life, which saddened Tael, but he would become excited to learn how many species were brought back through cloning and DNA splicing experiments within The Pinnacle. He became so incredibly fascinated by fish and other sea life that it was all he ever wanted to talk about. Eventually this too would come to embarrass and irritate his parents.

As Tael began to reach adulthood and he was expected to find a career path he would express to his parents that he wanted to do something with animals. Particularly aquatic creatures. For a while he worked at one of The Pinnacles most stunning locations, an aquarium that hosted the largest array of such creatures known to currently exist.  More menial positions at the Aquarium were held by Ambinetic staff while higher positions were held by humans. Tael got to work with the animals, make sure their living conditions were up to par, and work with the design team on creating new exhibits that would both please guests and be the best option for the animals. Even though this occupation fueled his hyperfixation his parents were at least pleased he had gained what was considered a high position, something worth bragging about despite their sons other "faults".

Tael loved his job but as time went on he would realize that even if he was enamored with the sea life he got to spend time with he had too difficult of a time engaging the people around him the way he wanted to. Even with a good job title he was still see as odd and generally people avoided being associated with him. It was rather isolating and eventually he'd realize his life had always been a lonely one. His only friends were the fish he took care of. Upon realizing this he knew he needed to make a change.

One day Tael would inform his parents that he wanted to move to Neoterra to open up a pet shop, to which they had conflicted feelings about. They weren't exactly pleased that Tael wanted to leave his current position for something they considered lesser. On top of that moving to Neoterra also made them unhappy due to considering it unsafe place full of crime and debauchery. However, there was a part of them that thought this might be for the best. Tael still didn't know how to "act like a proper Pinnacle citizen" and despite no longer being a child he still managed to embarrass them and behave in was they considered awkward and shameful. Perhaps it would be better to let him leave so his and their reputation wouldn't end up tarnished by Tael's personality and strange interests.

In the end Tael would get his wish. He'd move to neon technicolor cityscape known as Neoterra and open up his own pet shop which would primarily focus on sea creatures but also other animals such as dogs, cats, birds, and more. He would receive funding and support from his parents from The Pinnacle. Seeing as animals were a rare and expensive commodity it helped to have connections to those in The Pinnacle so his business could thrive without shady tactics.

Within Neoterra Tael felt he could express himself more and be his natural self with less judgment or at the very least, without fear and shame. Even if he was looked at oddly here, seen as weird or eccentric, it simply wasn't the same as the rigid and suffocating social atmosphere of The Pinnacle.

With his two Ambinetic's by his side he currently runs his shop with a love and passion like no other and is one of the few Pet Shops in Neoterra where you know the animals aren't treated poorly or obtained illegally. Tael can now feel a true freedom and happiness he never had before and with so many new and interesting people to interact with it's hard to feel lonely anymore. Most of the time.