


1 year, 11 months ago


Meria "Meringue" Flores del Sol

メリア Meria
"The sweetest pâtissier"
Trans Female
June 27th
5'11" (180.34 cm)
Eye color
Hair color
English voice actor
Japanese voice actor

Meria "Meringue" Flores del Sol (Japanese: メリア Meria) is a sweetheart who owns The Plaza Cafe, a place where delicious treats are served and excellent Pokémon battles take place. Meria, who appears quiet and reserved at first, quickly reveals herself to be a vibrant, outspoken individual with a kind heart who is driven to help others in all situations. Fearing she has grown complacent with the state of her cafe, Meria sets out to explore new culinary frontiers by traveling the world. With each journey, she encounters people and Pokémon that embolden her heart, driving her to face adversity and sorrow wherever she goes. Each story and each battle are recipes just waiting to be discovered!

Pre-Main Story

Meria was born into a loving family of retired trainers seeking new paths in life. Her mother, Amaryllis, was a Pokémon researcher known for her wonderful spirit and her ability to befriend any creature. Many respected Amaryllis for her kind and hardworking nature. Others sought to discover the secrets to her emphatic bond with Pokémon. Meria's father, Nemo, was a baker known for his austerity and ability to make any recipe come to life. Many feared him for his silent demeanor. Others respected his ability to bring people together through his craft. Together, Amaryllis and Nemo gave Meria a very happy childhood, one filled with joyous love and gentle care.

Meria's parents sought to guide her in discovering her passion at a young age. Consequently, young Meria was assigned to a variety of classes and disciplines, including sports, the arts, and even parent-child culinary classes. Her parents, ever so gentle and loving, always gave Meria the choice to continue or drop a discipline based on how she felt. Over time, Meria whittled down the options until she eventually decided to exclusively pursue the culinary arts with a focus on baking, much to her father’s joy.

Meria’s choice ignited her father’s passion further; for now, he had someone who could carry his legacy and surpass his own skills. Meria's father remained loving and supportive, but he also became stricter and, at times, apathetic to his child's need to play and be carefree. The once carefree days that filled Meria’s life were replaced with strict lesson plans, culinary training, and a lack of room for Meria to experience a normal childhood. Meria watched from her kitchen window as other children played outside and explored the world. Nevertheless, she continued her training and studies, hoping to make her family proud. However, her father was not a man to vocalize his pride, and that caused Meria to fall into a deep well of sadness that grew over the years. Meria slowly came to believe that she could never make her father proud, and, eventually, that sadness spiraled into depression. Now a burnt-out and aimless 18-year-old, Meria gave up the culinary arts and left her family behind to pursue other interests.

Meria spent a significant amount of time after her departure pursuing a career in journalism. She successfully acquired her bachelor’s degree and enjoyed moderate success as a food critic for an internationally recognized paper known as The Sanfloren View. However, part of her still felt empty over her lost passion many years ago. She began to recall her early childhood, the days when she enjoyed baking treats with her father. She reminisced of the time she spent with her father and her joy as she watched her parents devour the treats she had painstakingly prepared. Fueled by nostalgia, Meria established The Plaza Cafe. It would be a place where she could reclaim her passion and shape it based on her own pride and her own judgment. It would also be a place where trainers could battle for her baked goods, and, in that way, Meria would honor her mother, her father, and herself.

Main Story

Over time, Meria's cafe became a popular destination for hungry trainers and their partner Pokémon. Many came from parts unknown to Meria, and soon the lovely baker began to feel as though she had grown complacent with her quaint little cafe. Yes, travelers enjoyed her flavorful pastries and the aroma of her coffee, but to Meria, it was not enough. Afraid of spiraling into sadness once again, Meria sets out to travel the globe in search of new recipes and adventures. She'll grow her humble cafe one journey at a time, and, hopefully, her heart will continue to grow stronger alongside the people she meets.


Meria is described by others as a gentle soul, a warmhearted woman characterized by timorous gentility and kindness. She is said to be soft and seems to be slightly nervous around other people. Despite that, Meria tries her best to not shy away from others and regularly attempts to circumvent her timidity through nonverbal acts of kindness, such as a warm smile or a distant wave. She is not much of a conversation starter but will happily do her best to hold one should someone else initiate it. Others describe her voice as having a hushed and languid cadence reminiscent of a slow, passionate dance. Her shyness does not seem to deter her from being a sparkling conversationalist for the sake of other people’s feelings. She would never want anyone to feel ignored or lonely. Thus, she tries her hardest to make them feel important regardless of their unfamiliarity. Meria was raised to be honest, and, as a result, she wears her emotions on her sleeve. She cannot tell a lie, and whatever emotions she may feel are always on full display, regardless of her intent. Meria typically tries to pretend that isn’t true, often to her comical detriment.

Meria describes herself as an optimist, searching for positive qualities in everyone she meets. She openly believes in the honesty of others and may come across as naive as a result. However, she has had many experiences dealing with those who would abuse her trust. These instances cause her heart to ache at first. However, she quickly turns her sadness into sympathetic, yet stinging, pity. According to her, it is not her heart that ultimately bears the burden of hate. Should a person hurt her, Meria simply turns her kindness away from them, with no words needed to be said in return. Of course, she would do so while being a nervous wreck. After all, her optimism does not replace her nervousness or timidity.

Despite her prominent characteristics, Meria is a determined and resourceful individual. She deeply cares for her dreams and works hard to make them a reality. Surprisingly, Meria is a bit stubborn regarding how she lives life and has trouble accepting sudden changes. She is contemptuous of others pushing her to do things against her will. If pushed too far, Meria becomes incredibly upset. Her languid cadential voice turns to a stuttering waltz, and her soft demeanor turns cold and unwelcoming. She is known to pout profusely when angered, giving her an expression others find very endearing. These rare bursts of anger show a more forthright and adamant side to her typically mousey and gentle demeanor.

Plaza Cafe Staff

The Plaza Cafe Staff are a group of Pokémon trained by Meria to assist her in endeavors such as baking and food delivery. They do not particularly excel in Pokémon Battles and tend to only fight when defending others from harm. Hydrapple and Alcremie are her two main companions.

Visit Meria's PC Box for a full list of Meria's Pokémon!

Writing Samples
Sample One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

2023 Reference sheet by
Hexed Boy Noel
For more artwork, please see Meria's Gallery

Meria has a habit of sending letters to her parents, despite knowing that they have long since moved away from the original family home. Meria visits the abandoned property from time to time, picking up her letters and exploring the garden, which contains trinkets from her childhood. Nothing is moved from its place, and thus everything has stayed unchanged for years.

Meria finds fluffy Pokémon adorable and often finds comfort in their presence. They apparently remind her of milk bread, a very soft and sweet type of bread.

Meria is not a vain person, but she is, however, very happy with her hair and sense of style. Compliments tend to fluster her in a positive way as long as they do not cross into cat-call territory.

Meria is extremely afraid of bug types and will become paralyzed with fear if she encounters one. She does her best to avoid them and has Arcanine step in to scare them away. Despite her fear, she prefers not to cause them harm and just runs away from the area of the encounter.

Meria believes that remembering the names of others is a sign of respect and care. She does her best to remember the names of those she has met, and she will profusely apologize if she forgets them. Consequently, Meria dislikes it when others use nicknames as an excuse to not properly learn a person's name. She becomes very elated when someone remembers her name, much to the surprise of those around her.

Meria has a youthful appearance that often confuses people into believing that she is still in her early twenties. She has yet to disclose the secret to keeping her youthful glow.

メリア Meria
Same as Japanese name
Same as Japanese name
Code by: RakuraiKaze
Alcremie matcha cream art by: TonOfDirt726