


1 year, 10 months ago


She's low-key pretty dumb but occasionally pretty smart, like she'll fall for the ICUP jokes but can tell when someone's purposefully lying about something important. Pre-Resurrection she was a Minecraft twitch streamer, and as a result she'll make Minecraft related jokes without even knowing what they mean.


Fossil was revived awhile before The Red War though she was mostly just getting stable as she was revived on Io with not much to work off of, so when she finally got stable on Earth and The Red War happened and she lost her light for awhile, it was rough, so when she got her light back she became more serious in her Guardian duties. She mainly wields arc light but she recently gained stasis because she heard about the frozen-pickaxe things and thought it be a cool power to use(also because of her past life she was subconsciously drawn to the pickaxes). She's dumb/smart to fall for the darkness, and that's literally why she can wield stasis safely, like, the darkness will try to convince her Kaisk will turn on her and she'll just be like "But, she accepted my spinmetal friendship fox! She can't be evil you meanie >:(". She eventually went to Savathûn's throne world to see what all the fuss was about and met Dutar, and after fighting without killing each other's ghost a few times they decided to be friends, and after learning Dutar didn't want to associate with the other hive guardians Fossil smuggled him out of Savathûn's throne world, took him to their small base on Earth, and decided to train him on how to be a guardian. Before all this she met Jackie(my friends oc) and that's how their fireteam started. She sees Jackie as a father figure and good friend even if he's a little wary of the other fireteam members.

Also her ghost's name is Lean.


Armor Explanations :

Io Days- She had a rough start, having to make her armor out of what was pretty much scrap and usually using her cape as a blanket most nights. It's why now she often feels uncomfortable without a long cloak and is usually never seen without one.

Starting Gear- She was limited due the few resources she had but it's still reflective of her, straps, pockets, long cloak, those things. Now, why the Spider cloak? Well, for a brief time she actually worked for him when she was trying to build up supplies for her base and eventually once stable enough she started other work.

Regular Armor/Present Day- She likes to be well prepared and well protected, with a thick cape, many layers, many pockets, and many hidden things, all covered in her favorite color scheme- purple and white. This is the armor she switched to once she got herself stable and now is rarely seen wearing other things.

Fancy Armor- On any occasion where something formal is needed she'll wear this, she literally doesn't have a dress or suit, only armor. Why? Well she simply doesn't feel comfortable outside of her armor, Io was not a forgiving place, and so she's just so used to armor that normal clothes are foreign and weird to her.


Theme Song- LOONATIC(I Am Not Insane) by Loona/Odd Eye Circle, Afraid by The Neighborhood, Villainous Self-Raiser by Kuraiinu cover