[MTT] Portal B. Fates



8 years, 8 months ago


This is a CO-OWNED character with AkasukiGirl! for our pairing, they are also a CHILD. So please nothing NSFW or gore related.

Character Info is still in WIP! But art images are generally up to date~

Name- Portal B. Fates

Nickname(s)- None

Gender- Male ( He/Him pronouns) 

Age- 8

Height- 2'9" (Dragon form) 

Body Type- stocky with chubby tail

Personality- Portal's a interesting little child. He's very shy upon when you first meet him, and he's incedibly poilte to adults--as long as they return the same to him as well. He's still a very playful child who loves to get down and dirty where ever he can. He takes on Leo's stubbornness to a degree, and has a thing for neatness because of his parental upbringing. He's also a bit of a trouble maker if only with his parents. Leo tends to egg the younger child into teasing or messing with Hallow--much to his distress. All around Portal's a very sweet child.

Likes- Soft music, sour candy, butterflies both types, wrestling, story time

Dislikes- bad butterflies, rude adults, being talked down to, bathing a lot, wearing matching clothing, jabs about his name 

Occupation- Going to school

Allegiance- None 

Location- Junction City 

Hobbies- Hanging out with parents, making friends--sometimes, wrestling, butterflies, playing, reading, havings stories read to him

Sexuality- Doesn't matter. 

Flesh Color- Inner mouth and ears are a brighter blue, actual blood and flesh are yellow same as all MTTs.

Saliva- Smells and tastes like blueberry pie when aroused.

Tail Hologram- As seen in ref. 


Hallow Fates (Dad/Carrier)

Leo E. Booker (Daddy) 


None yet.


None, He's only 8. 


  • Rather loud and boisterous at times.
  • He's going to need glasses in the near future because of Hallow's eye sight and Leo's own rather sorry one. 
  • Doesn't enjoy being around crowds because of Hallow's own nervousness trickling down to him. 
  • He doesn't slouch very often because Daddy Leo won't let him. 
  • He refers to people as butterflies on a whole because of a story; he also does like the insect as well but generally he means the other MTTs, Yols and humans he knows.

Background-  TBA

Humanoid info-

Body Type- Lean but kinda muscled but still with child fat 

Height-  3'9" 

Eye color- Pink 

Hair Style- Very curly and medium length 

Hair Color- Orange with white tips