pixel adopt 3/12's Comments

Can I trade you art or an oc for 12?

sure can you show me what characters you are willing to give for 12, please if I'm not interested in any then I can tell you how I will like you to draw for them then

Sure you can!!

thank you I will send 12 to you now

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sure I will send them to you now

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For #12 I can offer a full body, rough sketch and colour! 

Edit: I could also add on another for #9 as well! 

sure is it possible you can draw Tris and Luni together

I could try! DM me on discord or insta! 

I'm Demon_Zory#9790 on discord can I ask what you are called on discord (I don't have insta)

My discord tag is on my main page! 

Hello! For 2 and 8 I can offer characters from my “up for offers folder”, you may also look in my other folders though I will be tentative on those. Off limits is the “me” folder.

sorry no one interested me 

I could do a chibi like this for #6^^

sure I will love it if you can do vela, please

Yep! It’ll be done shortly^^

It's finished and pending to the character's profile!

I love it thank you very much I will send #6 to you now aging thank you very much


If no one offers I'd love to get #10 <3

hi!! i can do art and/or customs for 3? i really like the colors :3

I will take the custom here's a mood board I will like it to be an anthro, please


hello I just want to check if you are still interested in them

yes of course !! some family stuff has been going on on my end, will 100% get started on it now ! where would you like me to send it when done ? 

to me (this account on toyhouse) if that's okay and there is no rush you can take your time I was just checking in and I hope things are okay there have a nice day or night whatever time it is now

hello I like to know if you are still interested in them or if you have lost your interest
I have been busy so I forgot about this lol

May I get #5?

someone else asks for them first but if you really want them you can offer something for then

I can really only offer art at the moment, if that's not okay I'd like to know which ones aren't taken yet! I really like all of them.

I will take art if you can can you draw Erro https://toyhou.se/10576850.erro

Yeah, that works fine!

So, a few questions if that is ok? For an OTA, what would ya take?

Also, do ya know what they is or is that open to interpretation?

Finally, is it like one per user?

1 or 3 or 5 are what I got my eyes on, but not sure which to go for. Apologies if I am clogging up the comments!

for your first question I made a thingy here on some stuff I may take (I made it after I made this and I was too lazy to add it for the ota stuff)(its a bit of a work in progress still)

for your second question, all of them have their numbers next to them like 1 is the first one at the top left corner, and the number one is standing next to it

for your last question if it is a free obo you can only have one free one and the other one will be a ota this is so others can have free ones if they like one but if the person really wants them then they can offer for the other one this does not count the wta so you can have a free obo that's free and a wta as long as you tell me why you want them basically short story on what they're like or what you may use them for basic wta rules so basically yes you can get more then one only one free per person

and it is no problem if you have any more questions about the adopts then you can ask

Well its, comprehensive so that is actually pretty good, thank ya~

No I mean, like species wise; are they a species of sort, individual or otherwise or are they all basically open to interpretation as it were?

Ah, that makes a lot of sense it does~ Thank you very much for telling me about this and that.

Shall do! It seems like 2 people have put in for 3 and 5; if that is the case, then guess I'd like to go for 1 if that is ok, or is it still up for debate about the others?

For 1. I would say that 1, they are unusual and yet they are pretty, looking very out of place but with their festive colors and rather fitting appearance, they fit in very well amongst a travelling circus's many acts. A body that is spry and full of whimsy, able to dazzle with such flaming brilliance~! Because when it comes to natural pryotechnics, they are a pro, don't ya know~? Looking so very quiet but confident, as they twirl their skulls and burning torches, all to ensnare visitors with a display that is, wondrous~!

no there not a species or anything there are just some funny pixels things I made up so I guess open to interpretation you can redesign them if you like

you asked for 5 first so you can have them free if you really want to unless the other person is willing to offer for them and someone else has also offered on 5 so if you can offer something better than what they have then maybe you can still get them this is only if you want to

I really like the story you have for them I will send 1 to you now 

Ah! I see~ Cause when I looked at those three in particular? Well lets just say I'm seeing different things, for each of them, each time I look atem as it were.

Well I see that person has offered to you~ If they do produce something then, 5 is all theirs~ If not, the most I can do is draw something for ya perhaps? But I'd ya know, rather not be greedy as it were, ya know?

You do? Thank you kindly! I thought it was, well, a bit of a rough draft, could have been better but thank you, so much!

can i adopt #seven if nobody offers on em

sure no one has asked for them so I will send them to you now