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no there not a species or anything there are just some funny pixels things I made up so I guess open to interpretation you can redesign them if you like

you asked for 5 first so you can have them free if you really want to unless the other person is willing to offer for them and someone else has also offered on 5 so if you can offer something better than what they have then maybe you can still get them this is only if you want to

I really like the story you have for them I will send 1 to you now 

Ah! I see~ Cause when I looked at those three in particular? Well lets just say I'm seeing different things, for each of them, each time I look atem as it were.

Well I see that person has offered to you~ If they do produce something then, 5 is all theirs~ If not, the most I can do is draw something for ya perhaps? But I'd ya know, rather not be greedy as it were, ya know?

You do? Thank you kindly! I thought it was, well, a bit of a rough draft, could have been better but thank you, so much!