


1 year, 10 months ago







1,85 m (6'0)




Dead By April - I Can't Breathe

Motionless in White - Another Life

Lauren Babic - Lovely

VOILÀ - Figure You Out

Panic! At The Disco - House of Memories

Introduction · · ·

Tristan is an apostate fire witcher (not part of the circle anymore). He's a so called "curse collector", said to own a variety of dark spells and cursed items, which he trades and sells.

Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis in non urna.


  • reading books
  • his pet/familiar crow
  • Alone-time
  • -

  • being lonely
  • if someone hurts his sister
  • -
  • -

Personality · · ·

At first Tristan might seem to be quite grim and smug, but he’s very loyal and cares about his family and people that are important to him. Tristan doesn’t care about being an apostate. He enjoys the silence that comes with it. He doesn’t like being around too many people and rather stays at home to work on his runes or read a book. He's quite patient, especially around his sister and also Astrid. (Nonetheless, he loves to tease her and can't hold back any sarcastic comments.)

Positive Trait





Negative Trait





Stats · · ·









· · ·

Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend.

Trivia · · ·

The Tattoos are runes for protection from possession and curses
Accessoires: Spider-bites and ear-piercings, also black crystal-earring (only on the left ear) and several rings on his fingers (with pentacle-symbols)
Often sits in weird positions in chairs, which he considers comfortable
He loves crafting little rune accessoires for his sister
The runestone on his necklace was a gift from his sister, it can turn his fire magic into blue flames
He can speak spanish. (he just doesn't use it often)
Has a soft spot for animals.
My voice claim for him is Jacob Weigert (german va)

Backstory · · ·

Tristan grew up with his sister Irina and their parents at a house in the woods. They both were sorted into the fire witch circle, but Irina wasn't able to control her powers completely. She often got teased because of that, leading to Tristan being a bit overprotective around her. When one of her "magic outbursts" killed another student, Tristan took the blame to protect his sister, which led to them both being expelled from the circle. Their parents left their home and traveled to other countries to study magic and find a way to "cure" Irina. Tristan stayed home to look after her. He started collecting and trading rare magical artifacts and cursed objects, which could help Irina to focus her magic. When Irina disappeared, he tries everything to find her and bring her home again. Even if that means he has to work together with a powerful witch, whose intentions aren't clear…

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi.

Subheader · · ·

Sed sit amet scelerisque orci. Donec ornare elementum pharetra. Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. Vivamus ultricies dapibus leo, vel iaculis ipsum tempus porttitor. Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est.

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. In non urna erat. Nam luctus est eget ex dictum, a rhoncus eros.

Vivamus volutpat justo rutrum erat aliquam posuere. Nam at nisl eget dui commodo sagittis quis eget arcu. Nulla id porta ipsum, in molestie dui. Nunc luctus fringilla elit, quis semper nunc finibus in. Nulla sollicitudin faucibus metus nec ultrices. Sed tincidunt viverra ligula eu.

Subheader · · ·

Nam at nisl eget dui commodo sagittis quis eget arcu. Nulla id porta ipsum, in molestie dui. Nunc luctus fringilla elit, quis semper nunc finibus in. Nulla sollicitudin faucibus metus nec ultrices. Sed tincidunt viverra ligula, eu porttitor risus.

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. In non urna erat. Nam luctus est eget ex dictum, a rhoncus eros.

Links · · ·


Tristan already felt attracted to the wind witch the moment she first stepped into his shop for cursed objects. He loves her attitude and that she is not afraid to say what she thinks. He noticed while working with her that they had more in common than they both thought at the beginning.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.


A ghost bound to a key. Tristan offered his help to free her, so she could leave to the spirit world. They often spend nights together, when Tristan can't sleep. They talk about her former life or Tristans feelings. She is the only one (next to Astrid and his sister) he opens up to.

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