Milo Kainhun



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Worth: $386.40
Designed by: ChaoChild
Obtained by: Personal Design
This character is forever homed!



Milo is a socially awkward teenage boy with some abnormalities, those traits having been passed down from his father. Due to this he was homeschooled for a good chunk of his life by his mom and has to learn how to act now that he's making friends 1 years from graduation.

Info on this page will be updated semi-regularaly as the Role Play goes on!

  • Name Milo Natsume Kainhun
  • Nickname None at this time :c
  • Age 18
  • Gender Male
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Sexuality Bisexual(?)
  • Ethnicity Japanese-American; Catfolk
  • Occupation Student: Year 11
  • Residence Living with mother; Indiana
  • Religion Agnostic
  • Alignment Neutral
  • Positive Traits Hard-working, Cooperative, Kind
  • Negative Traits Hermit, Easily Overstimulated, Malleable
  • Outlook Go with the flow
  • Belief I can't be my real self or I'll be judged
  • Strengths Empathetic, Generous, Creative
  • Weaknesses Self-Isolating, Unfocused, Desperate to Please
"I can't be my real self or I'll be judged."

Milo has a bit of a pessimistic outlook on life due to his homeschooling at an early age that planted an ever-growing sense of seclusion. This feeling only magnified as an only child with a mother who constantly pushed the idea that he needs to hide himself to avoid being seen as a "freak of nature"

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Anime
  • Video Games
  • Fish and Shellfish
  • Microfabric and Fleece
  • Getting Nails Done
  • YouTube Deep Dives


  • Bitter tastes
  • Loud Noises/Crowds of Chatty People
  • Extreme Heat
  • Peppermint/Mint
  • Whole Milk
  • Onions


  • Gaming
  • 3D Modeling
  • 3D Animating
  • Wood Working with Sebastian
  • Doodling
  • Prop Making


  • Basic Coding Knowledge
  • Building
  • Painting
  • Contortionist Flexibility
  • Digital Literacy
  • Minor Sewing Knowledge
  • Hair Color Black Bean (Hex: #4e0e0b)
  • Eye Color Mikado Yellow (Hex: #ffc324)
  • Skin Color Unbleached Silk (Hex: #fcd7ca)
  • Height 5'11" (180 cm)
  • Clothing Style Casual/Lazy Lounge Wear
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Milo currently does not have a lot of impressive or flashy clothing because he doesn't leave the house much. Other than his school uniform he only really has comfy, casual, lazy clothing. Most of his bottoms have been modified to accommodate for his tail to be out. Those that have not been modified were bought to be baggier to comfortably have his tail wrapped around his waist.

Design Notes

  • Milo does not have human ears.
  • Milo is missing both his upper lateral incisors.
  • He has two sets of nipples.
  • He has extra padding on his foot- Bottom of his toes, ball of his foot, and heel.
  • His nails are usually really long because they grow quickly.
Click for Reference


Milo is a boy that lives with his mother and on property butler. His cat ears and tail (along with some enhanced senses and abilities) were inherited from his father, who passed away when he was young and he can barely remember what he looks like. He doesn’t really know why he passed away either, his mother is not the most open when discussing their past. The neko was home school throughout his early schooling career to try and avoid any problems that might come from Milo's abnormalities. After a lot of begging to be with kids his age his mother finally caved and enrolled Milo into a private school and after lengthy meetings was granted special permissions from the headboard for Milo to wear a beanie in school. Due to his “condition” he has to hide a lot of himself from his peers at school. The beanie he wears covers his ears and he wears baggier pants to allow his tail to set comfortably around his waist; when people ask about his eyes he just says he’s wearing contacts and that he can’t see very well if they ask him to take them out.

Even with him going to the same private school from early middle school into high school he still doesn’t really have anyone to call friends. When Milo does get invited to friend groups he never gets to stay long because of his lack of communication and reserved social abilities. In the comfort of his own home, however, he is very relaxed and wears minimal clothes (tank top, shorts) due to how warm he gets very easily. Milo is pretty easy going and likes playing video games and teaching himself new talents, not to mention his love for animals. Sebastian tends to be his go to when he’s bored and wanting to do something with another person so that he isn’t alone.

Present Day

Milo has recently found comfort in two twins named Alex and Amelia Casteen. While still getting comfortable with having friends in person and actually interacting with them he finds himself in a relationship with Amelia where he finds himself loving her more and more everyday despite the trauma they are both going through.


Helia: Mother

Time known each other: Entire Life

His relationship with his mother seems fairly stable and healthy but Helia tends to hold a lot of secrets because she's his mother and "knows what's best for him".


Michael: Father

Time known each other: None

Milo never got to know his father.


Sebastian: Butler

Time known each other: Entire Life

A long-time friend; could be a father figure but Helia refuses to let Sebastian or Milo think of each other in that sense. His comfort person and who he confides in the most.


Amelia: First Friend; Girlfriend

Time known each other: Few Months

Quite literally bumped into each other. Amelia just started talking and Milo couldn't help but to listen and follow along.


Alex: Frenemy

Time known each other: Few Months

Their friendship had a rocky start but they seemed like they were starting to get along after Milo was comfortable enough to actually be himself! Though, now that Milo and Amelia are dating Alex has started to become distant.