


1 year, 11 months ago


Harper (she/her) is that one quiet person that you never knew that you knew. But with a touch of a screen, suddenly she's seen- there's a world out there, just not with all the living. She spends her life in the world of artists, mostly invisible, but the ghosts know her. The ghosts only appear to those whose thoughts and actual self are mostly ignored by others, living under a mask of deceit. Harper often draws the ghosts some sketches, and the sketches come alive (as much as they can, anyways) and keep the ghosts company.

NOTE: This character was created based on how I felt, some time ago. She's not that emo, right? riiiiight?

Character Permissions:

- Draw Harper with a braided crown hairstyle and something with the rest of the hair, but it's fine if the hair is not in that style.
- Draw Harper with some black hair mixing with the red. The idea is that her hair reflects red, but some of it is black.
- Design a new outfit (if you want!) I love looking at new outfit designs for my characters, but it's probably because i have no skill drawing outfits myself. heh.
- Draw as many ghosts as you'd like, or even none at all (but they're fun to draw)!!
- Draw Harper's entire mask; Harper is a faceless character (definitely not because I can't draw faces, heh)
- You can change the proportions if you want; the character is a basic guideline, but feel free to do it in your style!
- Don't draw any NSFW art for Harper, please!