Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

if you have any kind of "i will redesign your character & sell them" bullshit in your profile warning i'm blocking you immediately. i don't fuck around with that shit.

if your account is primarily nsfw, please keep distance. i'm an adult but it still makes me uncomfortable

eyestrain/flash warning for my profile i think, other pages are fine unless specified

(if you want to read my profile stuff without all that, heres my carrd! :D)

unmarked: bugs, light body horror/spooky stuff, healed scars/amputations, small amounts of blood or blood as a marking

marked: large amounts of blood, severe body horror/spooky stuff, death(usually), gore, drugs (there may be weed eventually), extreme eyestrain

i swear kinda often incase that bothers you

i have a lot of trouble with communication, i may take a while to reply :'D i also have bad social anxiety so i wont usually start conversations

please check folder descriptions before offering on charas outside of sale folder!!!!! also PLEASE DO NOT OFFER OR ASK FOR PINGS ON CHARAS WITH THE "actually fh" OR "story relevance" TAGS. i have to make this text fucking huge because people dont listen for some reason. (dreamie lists are fine for anyone)

inspo is cool, just dont steal. this should be common sense

dont mind neil on some chara's icons, hes just there to mark dudes i need to redesign & show people that they're not up to date

i use the fuckass " :0 " face a Lot sorry if it gets repetitive or smth😭

sorry if this is super long, im really bad at putting things into words,,,,,,, have a good day :D

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