
1 year, 10 months ago


SHE+HER, 17 years old, Lesbian, Poodle

DATING SADIE have been together since middle school (on and off)

I wouldn’t say she’s uptight but she’s not chill. Very big high achiever, all A’s in class, kind of a jerk in terms of pretentiousness. Straight forward and will say stuff as it is, people will take this as her being mean but it's just her speaking her mind. She’s a "femcel" type with music taste and mannerisms. She doesn’t realize how similar she is with Joey like that. She hates him because she almost sees herself in him. Kind of the worst self esteem. The thing is though she’s so unserious. She will get pissy over stuff like that Joey pulls, but then will do the most outlandish shiz and then act like it’s normal. What do you mean you don’t sleep With shoes on? Doesn’t everyone pee in the shower? Stupid stuff like that. She’s not a bad person though, she’s only 17. Sweet little poodle girl full of love. I cant help but be mad at the world she says There’s so much to break my heart about when I think of it.

Lead singer of the Florida group's band, College Without You, and the first person who formed it. Pretentious in terms of music and really in general. Hypocrite


Was a theatre kid when she was younger. Still shows through her passion of the arts and film. Her favorite movie is Human Centipede. Her favorite musical is Falsettos.