


1 year, 10 months ago


SHE+HER , 17 , Bisexual

In relationship with BUG, they have been together since middle school (on and off)

BEST FRIENDS with JOEY, have known each other since middle school and would play xbox every day with him after school. Would do anything for that boy, but that's what she would tell herself at least.

Lead guitarist in her girlfriend's band, College Without You.

She’s really laidback, way laidback when considering what she has going on. She finds herself juggling family life, always felt super responsible since the day her mom left. "I haven’t even found the time to mourn the lost of my best friend it feels like because I’ve had to think of so much else in the last month." Fuck herrrrr she growls with all of her teeth. With all of her anger. People pleaser in that aspect, realizes a lot of her school friends just like her cuz she’s pretty; they don’t care what her interests are. Why do you dress like a boy? You should try a dress, seriously… and it doesn’t really bother her– I mean it does, but she’ll wear a dress for herself ya know. (She pretends it doesn’t bother her) gotta cover up to keep goin. No one knows you still love Dude and all the other stuff you liked in Middle school (except your girlfriend but that’s different) Allow yourself to catch a break once or twice.

LOOOOVES her family and her sisters... they are so messy but so loving, she basically raised her little sister

Loves classic rock, 90s emo and rap. Sometimes she feels out of place with her band's musical direction because of how much it differs from stuff she enjoys.