


1 year, 11 months ago


Born in Dawnclan
Mother: Poppyleaf
Father: Unknown
Cousin: Ravenstar
Related to Frostspeckle & Nightshade 

Caused the clans to merge
Created the Dark Forest for his follows to have a space just for them
DF form (Darkforest) is 78% opacity (with colour) and red outline with his scars on back and belly

The ghost who manipulates and possesses Nightshade

Short story:
He was bullied as an apprentice and only Ravestar (Ravenkit at the time) and his mother, Poppyleaf, were the main ones to stick up for him. He was abnormally small for his age, and he had an unknown father which caused the older warriors to chat. This had the older, much larger apprentices to bully him for being small and ‘weak’, saying mean stuff about his size and unknown father. When he became a warrior he secretly went to each clan, Boulderclan, Pondclan and Oakclan, he gave them all information about his clan and other clans. Those clans thought they had secret info on each other but he couldn’t care less, he wanted mayhem between the clans, for their corrupt warrior code. After this went on for awhile causing all the clans to turn on each other, the leaders met up in secret and found out his scheme. At the next clan gathering they exposed him, this didn’t go as expected, as he explained why he did it and what he could give to anyone who agrees with him and want to follow his lead. Many who were wronged by the warrior code joined his side, he actually respected and appreciated his followers, that’s why he created the dark forest. After they all fight the leaders all push Owlthorn off a cliff onto a massive spike. Which is why he has a massive scar along his back and belly in his DF form.

He killed the cats who wronged him: Darkbranch, (some others that are being decided, or are just some random cats)