
Mortimer (Morty) Rhys Campbell | 26 | Austistic, OCD, DPDR + Rheumatoid Arthritis + Chronic Migraines | Trans Woman + She/Her | Straight | Longhaired Calico | CEO/President of Campbell University | Philanthropist

Kept her birthname, but has fully transistioned from male to female! 



Art of her in a LOONNGG blond braided wig smoking a cigarette, standing under the storming Florida sky; with the lyrics "I don't feel like I exist, that's why I need my fix, so I can just feel something..." (anxiety - bmike) spelled in spray paint in the clouds, with bloodshot eyes and a tired look. Her right hand is on her hip and her other hand is flicking her cigarette. 

She's in a strapless red dress with a dark green belt ad her midsection with a gold buckle and patterned with small white lucky clovers, tall black heels, a black flowy jacket, black leather gloves, and a lucky clover necklace on a gold chain.


Song: Escape Artist - The Zolas

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