Carcena Endart



1 year, 9 months ago


Carcena Endart

Called Carcena

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Sexuallity Demi/Bi

Age 24

Race Nehrimese/Enderalean

Role Mercenary

HTML Pinky


Carcena is a woman of Nehrimese and Enderalean origin and accompanies Ravaari on her quests for a while. She is a quiet woman with a neutral facial expression on her face most of the time.

She does some mercenary work on the side to support herself and her family financially. She has lived on Enderal and Nehrim, switching between the two.


Height 1,80m

Eyes White

Skin Tone White

Hair Color Black

Hair Style middle long bob


  • Her hair reaches her shoulders
  • She has human ears
  • The markings on her face are tattoos
  • Always seen with make-up
  • Eyes can be drawn with white or black pupils


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Carcena has build up an intimidating and unemotional shell to the point she has difficulties showing her emotions strongly, even if she feels them strongly. Her face usually rests at a neutral expression which makes her seem quite intimidating to some people.


Like 1

Quiet nights

Like 2

Keeping her equipment tidy

Like 3

Finding things out about the place she is at

Like 4

Treasure Hunting


Dislike 1

People disrespecting her personal space

Dislike 2

Publicly displaying her emotions

Dislike 3

Full Taverns

Dislike 4

Being stared at




Spoilers for Enderal, specifically for the Rhalâta questline

Carcena is the child of a Nehrimese Woman and Enderalean Man. Her father is an enderalean who traveled to Nehrim quite often for his merchant bussiness, meeting a woman on Nehrim while on a trip. They fell in love and had Carcena. Her family would travle between Enderal and Nehrim, her father more so than herself and her mother. Growing up on Nehrim, Carcena lived in a smaller village with her parents. She was not a very social child, prefering to stay inside and read or play with her toys. The other kids in the village would often comment on her white eyes in a hurtful way, whispering about how her mother must have had an affair or slept with a monster to grant hese strange eyes to her since none of her Parents had them. She was never able to build up positive relationships with others , causing her mannerisms started to change. The comments she got as a child made her more quiet, less likely to interact with others or put herself out there. She started to build up a facade in which she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of an emotional response anymore. She used to cry everytime someone accused her of being some for of secret lovechild of her mother but after building up her walls she would have a neutral expression on her face. The other kids would try even harder to get a reaction out of her now but Carcena stuck to her expressionless face. It eventually started to freak out the other kids and while they stopped throwing insults at Carcena, they now fully avoided her. They would leave places when she tried to join them and would always be at least a few meters away from her.


The issues with Carcena's social life paired with her father being away so many times drained their family a lot. Her Mother would accuse her father of not being present enough and that he should be there to protect his daughter. He would always respond by pointing out that Carcena's mother was not working any jobs and he was the only reason they could even live in their home and eat fresh food every day. Their fighting continued to get worse and worse over time. When Carcena was 11 her parents split up, making her switch every year between living on Enderal and Nehrim which caused only more issues regarding Carcena's social life.


Her years continued one after another, having trouble building relationships with others and prefering to be alone. In her teenage years she had met a boy on Enderal. He spent time with her, listened to her and never shunned her away. Carcena started to fall for this boy as the kindness he showed her was something she never experienced. After a month of being friends, the boy confessed his love to her and Carcena would confess that she felt the same. They would share their first kiss and spent the night together. The following morning, a lot of the kids that picked on Carcena would be infront of her home. The boy walked out to them and silence followed. AFter silence followed laughter. They started to laugh and scream about that 'He actually did it' while he was embracing another girl, that Carcena would discover was his actual girlfriend. Carcena was confused and in shock, tears rolling down her face. The entire month and the night they spent together was not real to him as it was to her. He was merely dared to do it, breaking her heart and breaking the wall she build around herself. That was the first time in a long time that Carcena cried again. Following her tears was only anger however. She could not control her emotions and attacked the boy by hitting him square in the face and continuing to do so after he fell on the ground. The kids around the two were in shock for a second before the boys girlfriend let out a high pitched scream. They dragged Carcena off the boy, holding her arms to make sure she wouldn't hit anyone else. She struggled before realizing what she had actually done, breaking free from the kids and running back into her house. That was the day where she decided to stop trying to make friends and stop trying to believe in love.


The Dust-Pit

As Carcena grew into an adult, she stopped switching around Nehrim and Enderal every year, deciding how long and where she will be on her own. She had a distant relationship with both of her parents after they split. Her father falling harder and harder into his work and her mother growing bitter due to still missing him after the divorce. When Carcena decided to leave Nehrim due to the civil war, her mother would stubbornly refuse to leave with her after Carcena tried to convince her to. Her mother wouldn't budge however so Carcena went to Nehrim alone on one of the few ships that would still sail, the Morning Dew. Watching a few interesting people on the ship, but deciding to not interact with them, she would arrive on Enderal. At first she would meet up with her father in his home in Ark, telling him about her mothers stubborness. Her father brushed it off, apologizing and saying in a day he would travel to Kilé due to work. Carcena would wish him the best before exploring Ark as if it was the first time she saw it, walking around in the Undercity. Deciding to test her luck in the dustpit, she was happy to see her training, that she spent her time with after that one fateful day, paid off. She would start hearing rumors about the Rhalâta looking for mercenaries and she thought about it for a while. No one would usually be stupid enough to mess with the Rhalâta, but the pay was said to be incredibly well and she would love to support her Mother over in Nehrim. While sitting on a table above the dustpit, she was approached by a woman. The woman introduced herself as Ravaari and no matter how hard Carcena tried to give the most bland responses to let the woman know she's not one for Company, the woman would not let off and continued to talk to her. She did not once mention anything negative abour Carcena. Not Her eyes, not her emotionless expression, not her dry responses. She just smiled and tried to spark up a conversation about the place. After being offered to meet there the next day, Carcena agreed. She didn't fully know why but something about that women felt off. Carcena could tell that she was an Aeterna, or at least mixed with Aeterna blood, but she had a slight accent. Seeing the woman leave to fight in the dustpit, Carcena was impressed by her strength, before a chat that Rasha, the arena's owner, was having. Her little visitor seemed to be from the Rhalâta. Having spent enough time on Enderal, Carcena knew about the going ons with the Rhalâta in the undercity. She never got too involved in it however. The stranger seemed to talk to Ravaari for a short while before turning to leave. Carcena locked eyes with the man for a split second before he left. Carcena tried to ignore it and instead congratulated Ravaari to her win. Meeting her again the next day and actually trying to engage in a conversation for the first time in a while, Carcena discovered Ravaari was from Nehrim, just like she herself was. They talked about where they were from and had a nice chat. Ravaari asked to meet her again the following day and Carcena agreed again. Their friendship started to grow stronger even if it intimidated Carcena at first. But Ravaari didn't seem to mind her expressionless face at all, and never did she say anything about her eyes. She was just spending time with her. Fighting through the Arena together, the two of them have made a good amount of money at this point. They were talking about local rumors and going ons as Carcena mentioned that the Rhalâta was looking for mercenaries. Ravaari asked her if she had thought about it which Carcena agreed to. Ravaari noted that down mentally before admitting she had also thought about it but wasn't too sure yet. Carcena noted about how Ravaari was absolutely slashing through the Arena's battles and was impressed that she was supposed to face 'The Beast' now, the jewel of the pit and probably hardest fight it had to offer. Watching Ravaari's fight with confusin as the man from before appeared, taking out the Beast and fighting Ravaari instead. After Ravaari was triumphal yet again, they both teleported away. The mood in the Arena dropped after that, making Carcena leave it looking for Ravaari instead. She couldn't even explain WHY she wanted to look for her, the thought of having anyone come too close still intimidated her greatly but Ravaari never gave her a reason to doubt her motives. Finding Ravaari later on, she seemed excited. Carcena asked what happened and Ravaari told her all about Tharaêl and his plan. Carcena seemed interested but confused, asking Ravaari if she's allowed to even talk about it. Ravaari's smile only became brighter as she let Carcena know she was joining her on this mission.


The Rhalâta

After being dragged into this mess by Ravaari, Carcena simply decided to accept whatever was next. Meeting Tharaêl for the first time felt odd to Carcena. Something about him felt familiar to her, but she didn't know what. He seemed so angry all the time while she barely expressed anything at all. Carcena met Arqyne and got along with her quite well. Spending more time with Arqyne and Tharaêl made Carcena realized what felt so familiar about them. Carcena realized that behind their anger, was mostly pain they were trying to hide with it. Ravaari was the most talkative in the group, trying to hold up conversations for the group to have. After helping Tharaêl in a personal mission regarding his past and the orphanage he grew up in, they would meet in Tharaêl's hideout once they got accepted into the Rhalâta's mission. Ravaari and Carcena agreed to the terms, but Carcena did not follow them closely. She would look for Tharaêl in his hideout before she got accepted, which annoyed him at the start. She couldn't even explain why exactly she was there either before saying she just wanted to check on him and make sure he's okay after what happened and what he told them. Silence would follow after, but Carcena ignored it and just sat down, letting the silence ring in the room. She didn't mind, it was comforting in a way. Breaking the silence after a while, Carcena was the one to iniciate the conversation which was a strange feeling for her. She did not let that stop her however, and she began to have a pretty personal conversation with Tharaêl. After he told Ravaari and Carcena about his past, she wanted to return the display of trust by telling him about her own. They spent hours together just talking. Sometimes there were long periods of silence between their sentences but it was not an uncomfortable form of silence. Carcena had opened up about her past for the first time and it felt good. After this meeting, they would meet a couple more times, spending their time with talking. Carcena would meet Ravaari during that time as well, opening up about her past to Ravaari and having chats about their view of life. Carcena would rarely meet up with Arqyne as well, getting to know eachother more. Before long, Carcena and Ravaari both returned to the hide-out to inform Tharaêl about their acceptance into the Rhalâta's mission. Despite both of their views about Love, Carcena would catch herself looking at the man with different eyes. She tried to ignore them heavily, knowing he wouldn't apprechiate it. Despite that thought, Tharaêl was going through the same thoughts, trying to ignore them. Tharaêl would enter the temple they were supposed to clear with Ravaari and Zar'Ah, a mercenary they have met at the temple. Arqyne would go with Carcena and another mercenary. Meeting back in the temple it was now only Arqyne, Carcena, Tharaêl and Ravaari. Brother Hatred, who seemed to have arrived there before the four of them, was killed by Tharaêl prior to Carcena's and Arqyne's arival. The four of them together were ready for their actual mission now, which was killing the Father who was the leader of the Rhalâta. After the Father was called and told them multiple secrets that were hard to process, they all attacked the father. The fight was tough and Carcena got heavily injured during the fight, as did Arqyne. Carcena would fade in and out of consciousness before the darkness got a hold of her, making her fully black out. After she woke up and opened her eyes, the room seemed empty. In pain, she sat herself up looking at Aeqyne next to her. She didn't seem to move at all. Carcena wondered if she looked like this as well, and that's the reason she saw no one else. They were both assumed to be dead and left behind. Before she could spent more time thinking about that however, she spotted Ravaari who looked at her as if she was frozen before running towards her. Ravaari checked Carcena for injuries before mocing on to Arqyne. Ravaari seemed in shock and she started yelling for Tharaêl who walked slowly at first and started to run after seeing Carcena sit ad Ravaari with Arqyne's head in her lap. Tharaêl urged Ravaari to leave with Arqyne and get help for her and that he would stay back and take care of Carcena. Once again it was only Carcena and Tharaêl, who now locked eyes in silence. Carcena broke the silence by weakly saying she has an elixir in her backpack that would help her regenerate her wounds faster. She drank the bottle as quickly as she could, feeling the warm tingles cover her body and she leaned herself on Tharaêl. While they were sitting there for a while, he eventually brke the silence, admitting that he would miss her if she was gone. Carcena was silent for a bit before smiling at him, telling him she would miss him as well. Again, silence filled the room before she admitted her feelings for him, which seemed to have caught him off guard. However, he confessed he has been feeling the same, remarking how ironic it is after what they had always talked about. Tharaêl would help Carcena out of the temple, traveling to Ark looking for Ravaari's home she generously offered up as a place to stay. The two of them agreed to try dating, feeling something for eachother that they have not felt towards anyone else before. When Arqyne recovered and joined them at Ravaari's home she would tease Tharaêl about 'how she could totally tell' and would get closer with Carcena seeing as she made his brother seem way happier than before. Carcena and Arqyne would become close friends, as did they all. Ravaari agreed to let them stay in her house for as long as they wish and she checks in randomly when she is in town. The rest of the time Carcena, Tharaêl and Arqyne are there keeping the home tidy.







Tharaêl and Carcena have gotten along quite well from the start, but after they opened up about their past to eachother they had been close. They eventually started dating and figure things out one step at a time. They enjoy eachothers company and trust eachother.




Arqyne was rather quick to notice the feelings between her brother and Carcena. She befriended Carcena easrly on and got close to her after.


Ravaari Sedenar


Ravaari was the one to get Carcena into this entire mess in the first place, and while not knowing what to think of it first, Carcena is eternally grateful now. Carcena sees Ravaari as her first real friend and is very close with her