Nissia Di'saebelle



Name: Nissia Di'saebelle | Pronouns: she/he | Age Range: mid-late twenties | Orientation: undecided

Nissia comes from the same future timeline that my girl Peyton and my boy Hawkins both come from.

Unlike  Peyton and Hawkins, however, she is not a resident of Earth. He was born on a small mining outpost in a neighboring galaxy. After a coup in her early teenage years that was run by her parents on the mining planet they were assigned to (who both perished during the fight) an unprepared Nissia found himself the leader of a small band of rebels that quickly swelled in numbers as they took the post from the guards,  and soon the entire planet. She had to grow up really fast, and use all  the knowledge she learned from her parents (and pick up a lot more along  the way)

He was eventually crowned as an  Empress by the rebels he had been leading, who now had control of several mining outposts and a handful of space stations and exploration vehicles.

In the prime of her rule, due to circumstances she still isn't quite sure of,  she wound up in the same timeline with Peyton and Hawkins again, with no army to command and no way back to her home.