Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Our page is not mobile friendly sometimes; so sorry if it would be hard to navigate!!

Our page, for the most part, wouldn't have that much triggering content aside from the really bright and light pinks we use. Our characters, however might have content that could be either triggering or uncomfortable, especially due to some of the fandoms they're in, we'll make sure and try my best to make separate warnings for them alongside updating any profile that needs it or extras!

  • Interact with us! We do like getting to know new people and talking to others who have the same interests as us!
  • Comment if you have any questions for me regarding either our characters or just us!
  • Feel free to just draw any of our characters! Just make sure to view the Design Terms of Use at the Ownership section when doing so alongside paying close attention to their seperate warnings!
  • Check out my Always Open Fav 4 Fav thing where we could fav your characters back in exchange of faving ours!
  • Compare our OCs to yours or to anyone else! It's frankly rude and inconsiderate!
  • Give us unwanted criticism on any of our OCs or art! We don't care and we don't want it!
  • Steal or claim any of our OCs as yours, make your own shit man.
  • Accuse us of stealing anything; from designs to general ideas, as it will just result to being blocked.
  • Attempt at harassing or bullying, trust us it's going to get you nowhere.
Content warning
  • Strong language/heavy use of profanity.
  • Sad/Traumatizing character backstories.
  • Different types of abuse ranging from physical, mental, and/or verbal abuse to domestic and child abuse/neglect, along with descriptions of general violence.
  • The rest would be on characters own warnings so please read them.
Do Not Interact
  • If you fit basic DNI criteria (Anti-LGBTQ+ / Pedophiles/MAPS/NOMAPS / Racist / Sexist / Xenophobic / Ableist / Nazi)
  • If you hate any of my friends and mutuals
  • If you're uncomfortable following us because of the fact we are a system.
  • If you think selfshipping, OC x Canon shipping, fan/shipkids, etc. are "cringe"
  • If you're a misogynist, misandrist, or for some reason fucking loves mansplaining
  • If you want to cause drama, be rude, or say cruel things about me or anybody else.

Thanks for reading!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Please Do Not
  • Give unwanted criticism regarding the character, I did not and would not ask for it.
  • Do anything suggestive with her, she's underage/a minor.
  • Offer anything to adopt, no just no.
Content Warnings

Child Abuse / Neglect

Victim Of Verbal Abuse

Trauma / awareness to ADHD


Fire-related Character

Related to a Chinese Demon / Spirit Character

Victim of Possession

Misc. Content Warning

  • Her whole story flip-flops between light and dark content.
  • Comment if you have any questions regarding her!


You are allowed to draw / write about / RP with this character, however please follow these guidelines.

Design aspects

General alterations
Different clothing/outfit
Different hair color/style
Different styles/themes
With missing features
Minimal clothing
With weaponry


General violent themes
Mild (cut/bruise)
Moderate (injury/gash)
Explicit (gore/amputate)
Cartoony/Candy Gore
Realistic gore
Murder, harm to others
Self harm
Suicide, tendencies

Explicit content

General explicit themes
Mild (hug, hand hold)
Moderate (kiss, cuddle)
Explicit (sexual contact)
Give pet names
Joke/implied content
Fetish content
Sexual assault


Sensitive themes
Interacting with others
AUs, self-made designs
Past/future forms
Doing drugs, etc.
Doing criminal activity


Allowed/Yes / Ask first / Never do/No


Please do not draw ship art of Luna with any of your characters as they already have a poly ship, although you are allowed to draw your characters being friends with Luna as well as a ship art of Luna with her poly ship. (I will update this to link to the two characters that she's shipped with when I can)
You can change Luna's clothes/outfit/accessories! As long as the outfit you plan to draw them in matches with their vibe/aesthetic/moodboard!
You can change Luna's hair to hair styles that are different from those in her ref, preferably draw her in various ancient chinese hairstyles if you want! As long some of her hair are still up and would look like either rabbit or rat ears!
Honestly just go wild! As long as you ask me beforehand on unsure stuffs!

Code by maniCARNY

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No thanks!