Uzui Hamari



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info

TOS Note

ToS is in ownership!

Created On

July 16th, 2022



  • NAMEUzui Hamari
  • ALIASHamari / Hammy
  • AGE16
  • RACEHuman
  • GENDERDFAB Cisgender
  • BIRTHDAYMarch 21st


Hamari is an illegitimate child of the Uzui clan. After her mother learned she was pregnant, she fled from town in fear of the reprucussions. Uzui Tengen's father had a fling with Hamari's mother while being married, and it meant that Hamari's very existence was dangerous. There was no telling what her father would do to keep the secret. Luckily, she just inherited his hair - her dark skin and deep purple eyes were inherited from her dear mother. Although her mother had fallen for a married man, and Hamari was a bastard child, she raised her child to know of her heritage. Hamari thinks it's super cool, and wants to meet her half siblings one day. Of course, she's not up to date with the Uzuis, unaware that Tengen is one of the last ones left.


Hamari is upbeat and loud and oh-so-cheery. She loves all things cute and finds an inappropriate facination with Western culture. Her mother was a westerner, so she was raised in some sort of strange middle ground between Western and Eastern cultures. Her love for Western styles of clothing is strange enough, but she is an expert at cooking Western style food as well.

Not knowing of demons, Hamari is distinctly carefree. She has absolutely no worries in her mind, and travels very often despite her young age. Her mother encourages her curiosity and works hard to pay for Hamari to travel through any means necessary, even if she's weary for her daughter's safety. Being an only child, she's a bit spoiled, but she has a good heart. Hamari is easily pleased, as you really only need something cute to convince her to do anything for you. Be it a teddy bear, new pom-poms for her hair, or even a cute piece of food, Hamari will accept anything and everything cute or fancy.


  • HEIGHT5'9"
  • WEIGHT148 lbs
  • STATUSAlive
  • ORIGINJapan
  • RESIDENCETraveller
  • RELIGIONChristian
  • SOCIAL STANDINGNot Applicable
  • ETHNICITYHalf Japanese


  • ALL THINGS CUTE: Hammy loves all things cute, no matter what they are. Is there anything she doesn't find cute, though?
  • WESTERN CULTURE: With her mother being from a Western country, Hammy is obsessed with western culture and styles.
  • NICKNAMES: Hammy absolutely adores nicknames, and will give one to literally everyone she meets. Is it a little rude? Yes. Does she care? No!
  • DREAMING: Hamari dreams of visiting Western countries and continents, like Europe and America. She won't ever let anyone crush her dreams!
  • FALLING LEAVES & PETALS: Spring and Autumn happen to be Hamari's favorite seasons. Cherry blossoms falling are just so cute, and the red and gold leaves are gorgeous.


  • NOT TRAVELLING: While her mother works hard to let Hammy travel, it's not always possible. She haaaates staying in the same place all the time, but she also understands she's very high maintence.
  • DEBBIE DOWNERS: Negative people just ruffle Hammy's feathers! She doesn't understand why people are so negative or just plain boring!
  • NIGHTTIME: While nighttime is beautiful in it's own right, Hamari has always found it creepy. She doesnt' like the face in the moon and doesn't like the dark at all.
  • RAIN: It's just so darn gloomy when it rains! Hamari much prefers the sun shining in the sky rather than any clouds dimming her light!
  • OPEN SPACES: Although Hamari is a traveller at heart, she despises open spaces like fields. They feel empty and lonely, compared to something like a bustling forest or town.


  • Much like her elder half-brother says 'flamboyant' frequently, Hamari says 'kawaii' frequently!
  • Hamari is not a demon slayer and does not know of the existence of demons.
  • Hammy is what Hamari's mother calls her, and where her love of nicknames came from. Anyone can call her 'Hammy', though. She'll love it.
  • Even as a baby, Hamari never once cried. She was all sunshine and giggles... too bad she was a hellion for her mom in other ways. Nobody can be a perfect baby.
  • Hamari's favorite food is chicken katsu. With origins in Western culture, it's pretty obvious this would be her favorite.
  • If she was in the modern day, Hamari would absolutely be a travel youtuber.
  • Hamari got a crush on Muichiro the moment they met... but Muichiro doesn't like her even a little bit.


A Fool in Love

Kouzuki Azumori was never the brightest bulb in the box. Moving from her home country to Japan was on a whim, and even more so was it a foolish decision. Very quickly, she found herself at her wits end. It got to the point where she was begging the locals for shelter each night, and one day, a kind man finally allowed her into his home with his wife and children. Living with them, she learned about the Uzui family, and that they were a family of shinobi. Night after night, Azumori and the head of the Uzui family grew closer. They kept it under wraps, secretive from his wife and children. Where Azumori was in love, however, he was not. Whether it be love for his wife or plain disinterest in her, the head of the Uzui family simply didn't love her in the same way she loved him, and she knew that much.

Luckily, she knew that much. She may have been a fool, and a homewrecker, but she wasn't stupid. When she discovered she was pregnant, though, Azumori knew her time with the man was over. He was harsh with his children, and they lived dangerous lives. Nevermind the fact that there was no telling what he might do to keep his relations with her secret from his family... Azumori knew it was time to leave.

So away she went in the night, leaving nothing behind. She fled town, and travelled city to city looking for work while she was pregnant. Luckily, she managed to find work several towns away from the Uzui family, and the knowledge of Azumori and the head of the Uzui family's affair was hidden for good.

Heart of Stone

Azumori's pregnancy was difficult. She was on her lonesome, and often lied to avoid scorn and instead earn pity from those around her. Knowing they would certainly look down upon a bastard child - not to mention scorn her for her relations outside of wedlock - she told her neighbors and the other townsfolk that her spouse had simply died shortly after she discovered she was pregnant, and so she moved to a new town, away from the home full of memories which would hurt her heart.

Luckily, few questioned the lie. While lying wasn't something that was her strong suit, Azumori managed to do it well enough to keep her and her daughter safe. However, being alone wasn't the only struggle she faced. The pregnancy was hard physically as well, and it took a toll on the woman. Finally, though, after a birth that nearly killed her, Uzui Hamari was born. While the Uzuis were well known in their town and even the surrounding towns as a large family, the town Azumori was from did not know the family clan, and the different family name would help keep her lie of her spouse passing away before she discovered she was pregnant.

Azumori struggled, but Hamari was a happy baby. Not once did she cry or wail. That didn't mean she wasn't a hellion in her own right - she ate Azumori out of house and home, and was always on the move, but Azumori loved her daughter nonetheless. She raised Hamari truthfully, if only to make up for the lies she had to tell on the daily. From a young age, Hamari was told stories of her father and his side of their family. Her nine half-siblings and their profession as shinobi were common topics little Hamari asked about, as well.

Azumori knew to lie to strangers, but alone, she could ask as many questions as she wanted. For the longest time, she didn't mind that at all.

A Wandering Spirit

When Hamari started to grow more independent, she also began to grow more curious. Her mother's style of raising her was somewhere between Western and Eastern, and she always had endless questions - not just about her estranged family, but about the world: Japan, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. She began to gain popularity with the other children in her neighborhood, since she knew tons of stuff about Westerners that they didn't know, and her mom cooked unique foods that many of her friends hadn't tried before, and might not ever get the chance to otherwise.

Hamari grew to know that her connection and curiosity about Western culture was gaining her popularity, and so she attached herself to it wholeheartedly. The difference, luckily, did not separate her from her friends, but rather made her new ones... and it was facinating that somewhere else in the world, people lived differently than she did! Even with her mother's Western influences in raising her, Hamari still grew up a largely Japanese childhood. After all, she was surrounded by Japan on all sides, so keeping her entirely from it would be impossible.

She began to want to travel. All across Japan, and to Western countries, too. Travelling to Western countries was a bit much, she discovered after she declared her plans to her mom, as they were hardly capable enough to travel across Japan. However, after much discussion, Azumori realized her daughter would be happiest travelling. So, after thoroughly preparing her dear Hammy, Azumori sent her on her way.

Hamari spent several years travelling. She visited home often, with treats and things from other towns. As she grew older, she grew to realize she put a strain on her mother, and began working odd jobs on her travels to help pay for her curiosity or send money back home when she got extra. While she knew nothing of demons, and was extremely lucky to not know anything of demons given her travel at such a young age... Hamari faced her share of hardship. Hungry nights or days spent with her futon on the dirt rather than under a roof weren't common, but still happened... not that she'd ever tell her dear mother that.

More than anything, though, Hamari dreamed of finding the town the Uzui family was from, and meeting her estranged family. It had been enough years, right? Unfortunately, Hamari had no idea the tragedy that befell the Uzui family thanks to their profession, as most of her half-siblings were to die before she ever met them.


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  • In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


  • Skin
  • Alt Skin
    Alt Hair
    Alt Eyes
  • OUTFITS: Each line is an outfit.
  • Top & Skirt
  • Alt Top & Skirt
    Alt Jewelry
    Alt Jewelry
    Alt Tights
    Alt Shoes


  • Either palette is okay to draw her in - the "standard color" palette and the purple one.
  • The purple palette is technically her canon palette.
  • Hammy wears an eyepatch on her right eye.
  • Hamari is on the larger, more muscular side. She has a little bit of fat on her body as well.
  • Any cute outfit is absolutely okay! Western-inspired are definitely good, but Eastern style is also okay.


  • SEWING: Whenever she's travelling, Hamari likes to do any type of craft. She expecially likes sewing, especially little clothes for people's pets!
  • TRAVELLING: Hammy loves to travel. Her dream is to leave Japan one day, if only to explore Western culture in person.
  • BIRDWATCHING: Hamari loves to watch birds. She especially loves the cute, fluffy ones, but bigger ones like crows are adorable, too.
  • GARDENING: She isn't home often anymore, but Hamari loves to help her mother in the garden. She doesn't have a green thumb like her mom does, but she still adores the activity of digging in dirt and bringing new life to the world!
  • PARKOUR: While she doesn't call it 'parkour', Hamari loves climbing in trees and on places she's not necessarily supposed to climb. She's actually surprisingly agile for her height, probably because she spends so much time running and climbing on stuff she shouldn't.


  • KAWAII: The word 'kawaii' is part of Hamari's regular vocabulary. She says it practically every other sentence, and it can get very annoying.
  • PLAYING WITH HER SKIRT: As a fidget, Hamari often plays with the edges of her skirt, and shuffles her feet.
  • NO SHOES: It's common to not wear shoes in houses, but Hamari takes this to the extreme. Her socks are always dirty because she rarely wears shoes on her feet, and often gets thorns in her feet because of it.
  • SNORES: In her sleep, Hamari is loud. She snores almost violently, and is not a fun person to sleep in the same room with. Luckily she's charming, and whenever she's crashing in someone else's house, they don't mind because of her cute face.
  • WARY OF INNS: Perhaps because her mother learned inns typically charge much more than a kind family does, Hamari has grown wary of inns and only asks around town to stay in an actual house for the night. Inns are only for when she's really pressed for a bed.


  • OBLIVIOUS: Because of her obliviousness to the demonic part of the world, Hamari finds it extremely easy to see the good in everything.
  • LUCKY: Being an extremely lucky person, Hamari has hardly anything bad happen to her. It's a good thing, too, because she has absolutely no skills to help her out of bad situations.
  • CHARISMATIC: Hamari is highly charismatic, partially because her young age. Despite her larger-than-average size for a girl, not many can seem to dislike her or decline her a place to stay.
  • ADVENTURER: Being an adventurer at heart, Hamari never gets lost. Whether that's because she hasn't decided where she's going, or because she knows where she's going is hardly important, because she can always make it back home.
  • INDEPENDENT: Despite being a bit of a spoiled only child, Hamari's lifestyle choices make her surprisingly indpendent, despite her age. She could still be living at home with her mother, but she's proud to be on her own.


  • LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: Because of the same obliviousness that makes her optimistic, Hamari is completely unsafe when it comes to protection from demons. It's a miracle she's still alive.
  • LACK OF SKILL: Hamari's lack of skill doesn't just encompass her lack of skill with a sword. While she's good at talking to people, she is still developing life skills.
  • SELF-IMPORTANT: While Hamari isn't concieted per-say, she's certainly not reserved in how much she thinks she's worth to the world. She's a bit spoiled, and it shows. Good thing she's charming, or else this would just be plain annoying... that isn't to say people don't find it annoying, though.
  • ALLERGIES: Hamari, like her mother, has pretty bad allergies. Especially during the springtime and summertime they're bad, but she also has a handful of food allergies - specifically, citrus and chamomile.
  • AFRAID OF MICE: Absolutely mortified of mice, Hamari is quick to scream bloody murder and climb up on the nearest table if she sees one. They absolutely petrify her.


  • GOOD LIAR: Having grown up lying about her heritage, Hamari is shockingly good at lying. She tends to use it for good, but lying is still a negative thing, even if it's for the better of a situation... still, it can get her out of bad situations.
  • GREAT SENSE OF DIRECTION: Although Hamari has hardly been all over Japan, she can find her way in cities and towns pretty easily, as well as from town to town without much help. She never seems to get lost, though maybe that's also because she doesn't always have a plan on where she's going.
  • QUICK LEARNER: Especially with tactical things, Hamari is an excellent student. She loves all things crafting, so she'll pick that up within hours... though this doesn't apply to everything.
  • REMEMBERING DETAILS: Although not all things mental come to her easily, remembering details about things, especially physical, is her specialty.
  • HEAVY LIFTING: Much like you might expect for someone of her stature and body type, Hamari is great at lifting heavy things, which makes getting jobs for her a little easier than most girls her age.


  • TRAVEL: One of Hamari's biggest goals and dreams is travelling to Western countries like Europe and America. She dreams about that sort of thing.
  • MEETING FAMILY: Hamari has heard many stories about her family on her father's side. Her mother speaks fondly of her father, and although it's not realistic to hope her father would love her like he loves his other children, that doesn't discourage her from dreaming.
  • PROVIDE: After spending so many years leaning on her mother for support, Hamari wishes more than anything to provide for her mom. While they didn't have a particularly difficult life, they didn't have an easy one either, and Hamari wants to pay her mother back for all she struggled through.
  • NEW EXPERIENCES: While she loves to explore and such, her main drive is having new experiences. While it's a minor goal compared to going to Western countries, having new experiences is still important to her.


  • NEVER MEETING FAMILY: Hammy fears never meeting her father's side of the family. Even just meeting one of her half siblings would be amazing.
  • LOSING HER MOTHER: Her mother is all she has. Losing her would be devastating... not to mention, her travelling would have to stop. Her whole life would come to a halt if she lost her mother.
  • MICE: Hammy is absolutely petrified of mice and rats. While she doesn't exactly encounter them every day, they just creep her out, with those beady little eyes.
  • BLOOD: While not as extreme as her fear of mice, Hamari is terrified of seeing blood, specifically in large quantities. She just hates it so much. While she won't faint, she certainly won't be able to look at it.
  • SICKNESS: Hamari's mother wasn't necessarily sickly, she just wasn't the healthiest out of the bunch. She does know that her mother's fickle health does make it to where she can't travel with Hamari, though, and so Hamari fears getting sickly like her mother, herself.


  • BASTARD: Hammy has grown up telling other people that her father died before she was born. It's easier to accept than being an illigitimate child for most people, so it's just easier to lie.
  • CRUSH: Hamari has always been a bit of a hopeless romantic. She's had a number of crushes over the years, be it baby crushes or not, and she keeps a diary of all her crushes - when they start and when they end. She would be mortified if anyone read it.
  • TRAVELLING SECRETS: Hamari tells her mom about a lot of her adventures on the road. She doesn't, however, share the less fun parts of them, that would worry her mom. She fears her mom finding out. Ignoring the fact that she doesn't always get a roof over her head, Hamari has stolen before, and she's not proud of it.
  • FEAR OF MICE: Not liking people to know what she's afraid of, Hamari doesn't want anyone to know she's petrified of mice. Especially since they're such little, usually gentle, things. It's just embarrassing! They're cute, to most people, too, so what gives? She hates that she doesn't find everything cute.


Mother •

Kozuki Azumori, or Azumori, is Uzui Hamari's mother. She nicknamed her daughter 'Hammy' and spends most of their savings on Hamari's travels. Hamari has been travelling alone since she was young, since Azumori isn't the hardiest person. Even Hamari's birth was difficult for her, so while she's not sickly, constant travel might make her sickly. That being said, even if she lets her daughter travel alone at such a young age, she knows what she's doing is best for her daughter. Hammy is just so happy to travel, and would feel restricted otherwise. Azumori wants nothing more than to keep her daughter happy, and so she does. Hamari credits her mother with all the best things in her life. Even when she does odd jobs to aide in her travels, Hamari gives full credit to her mother, who works so hard to send her money.

Half-Brother •

Hamari doesn't know Uzui Tengen yet, but desperately longs to meet her estranged family. She considers him a brother, even if he might not consider her a sister, and even if they haven't met yet. Once they meet, their similarities will become immediately apparent to her, and she will be practically inseperable from her elder half-brother. She'll think he's soooo cool, and be absolutely thrilled to meet all of her family, including his spouses. Whether or not he tells her about demons doesn't matter: nothing will change her absolute glee from meeting her half brother. (Even if she'll probably have to whack him upside the head for dropping the mood for no reason all of the sudden.)


Relationship •

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Relationship •

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Relationship •

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Relationship •

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