

1 year, 9 months ago



NAME Malach
ALIAS Phantasmpyre
AGE 48 moons
RANK Warrior

Born of the graceful angel and noble steed, Phantasmpyre was brought into this world with his head held high. For this elegant bengal showcases his confidence as he charges through the lands, utterly sure of himself and his purpose. He is self-assuring, this trait arising from his appreciation and belief in his own abilities and qualities, as he sets out to conquer the world. This bicolour feline is very dynamic, a positive and kind character seemingly bursting with energy and new ideas. For Phantasmpyre is flexible and fierce, always coming up with ideas to get him and occasionally his littermates into trouble. Despite only being the fourthborn, he acts as the leader, recklessness occasionally causing him to lead his subjects (or his followers) into dangerous scenarios. However, Phantasmpyre is reckless and takes actions before thinking, jumping headfirst into whatever challenges the world throws at him. Persevering to the very end, he never gives up, pushing through until he gets his way. The elegant, fluffy feline wheedles his way into other cat's hearts, his wide eyes often letting him get his way. Furthermore, he takes what he's learned from the past and puts it into action, taking the saying 'learn from your mistakes' literally. Phantasmpyre believes this will help him, and he's right. Often, he can be rather clingy, desperate for someone to stay near him, not to let go.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia nunc ut gravida ultrices. Nulla ex lectus, ultrices ornare semper a, bibendum sed elit. Mauris dignissim viverra ipsum a tincidunt. Vestibulum eu aliquam libero. Nullam ligula ante, dignissim id libero non, sagittis condimentum dolor. Ut a diam eget libero iaculis ultrices. Pellentesque posuere efficitur felis ut commodo. Vestibulum ac egestas ligula. Vestibulum quis enim suscipit, pellentesque neque eget, volutpat diam. Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat. Maecenas ac vehicula lectus.


Persevering β€’ Self-assuring β€’ Dynamic


Reckless β€’ Confident β€’ Fierce


Reckless β€’ Clingy β€’ Wheedling



As a king struts into the area, gazing at you from forlorn heterochromatic eyes, many felines instinctively shrink under his scrutinising gaze. Phantasmpyre is, genetically, a red silver bengal mink, possessing a pale red bicolour pelt, with cream additions. He has sectoral pale blue and deep amber eyes, along with some special additions; a medium sized mane, ear tufts, and soft fur. Additionally, this elegant feline has a compact frame, tough pawpads and wide paws, making for a unique appearance. His size is medium.



Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat. Maecenas ac vehicula lectus.

Scars & Marks

His left pupil is a ΓΈ, the mark of NYN, and he has a five-pointed star on his chest.


Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat. Maecenas ac vehicula lectus.


Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat. Maecenas ac vehicula lectus.

Size medium
SCENT herbs and water
DEMEANOR bored &. restless
BUILD compact
HOMELAND The Providence
AESTHETIC Elegantcore
  • Phantasmpye is chaotic neutrak.
  • He hates Usiu for abandoning him and Yael, Cherub and Xeraphina for getting her love.
  • Despite their kind actions, he dislikes Cotton and Cinder.
  • Ut a diam eget libero iaculis ultrices. Pellentesque posuere efficitur felis ut commodo.
  • Vestibulum ac egestas ligula. Vestibulum quis enim suscipit, pellentesque neque eget, volutpat diam.
  • Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat.


"You're here, you're actually here!"
  • Wraithvengeance
  • Elysium
  • Adderclan
  • His kits
"Retired leaders? Spirits? What kinlines am I getting myself into?"
  • To be a true warrior
  • To cut ties with his family
  • To be a better parent for his kits than Usiu was for him
  • Information
"You abandon us because it would be too much effort for poor, poor Usiu!"
  • Usiu
  • NYN
  • Usiu
  • Usiu
"You said you would never leave us!"
  • Thunderstorms
  • Being abandoned
  • Losing his family
  • NYN

"Do your Gatherings normally have spirits descending from the sky and cursing everyone around them?"


Born by the overly stressed yet gentle Usiu, in providence, these kits will have a bit of a problematic origin. With Usiu being young and a first time mother, she will find it hard to care for these five kits, even with the help from her brother. Yael, Cherub, Malach, Elysium and Xeraphina will be impacted by this in different ways, but... So will Usiu. All of these kits have Adderclan blood, though their father is completely out of the picture and unknown where is. Malach was raised in the Providence, adopted by the molly named Cotton. Raised alongside his brother Elysium, he decided to leave the Providence, setting out to forge his own way in the world, and meeting an Adderclan molly named Wraithvengeance. The two's romance blossomed until they became mates, and eventually, the bicolour decided to join Adderclan, to be with his newborn kits.


Malach was renamed to Phantasmpyre, and stayed with his mate. They had five children, each with a clan name and a true name, in the style of Legion names, reflecting Wraithvengeance's Legion heritage; Hauntingkit | Melody's Haunting, Wickedkit | Imp's Rhythm, Revenantkit | Revenant's Symphony, Arcanekit | Cryptic's Euphony, and Nightmarekit | Ephialtes' Composition. They grew up happy, but the kitten's childhood were marked by tragedy as the leader revealed that a few of them had participated in a rebellion, and sentenced them to punishments. Revenantkit shattered from the pressure, and when they became apprentices, Wraithvengeance left with him by her side. .

Integer id nisl sit amet odio tristique dapibus sit amet vel est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc ac ligula eu felis porttitor finibus eget non urna. Sed sit amet sem rhoncus, efficitur ipsum ut, fringilla ipsum. Etiam porta sodales massa, quis accumsan est condimentum eget.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut orci tellus. Vestibulum consectetur mauris ac massa consectetur tincidunt. Praesent vehicula mi non diam porttitor, in feugiat urna consectetur. Aenean interdum risus ut vestibulum congue. Sed condimentum diam erat, sit amet consectetur nisi lacinia sit amet. Suspendisse ultrices malesuada faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas nisl felis, convallis sit amet ante eget, suscipit lacinia est. Nullam bibendum congue est ac ullamcorper.

Cras lacus nibh, egestas eget mauris facilisis, pulvinar viverra dui. Duis volutpat nulla sit amet sem semper sagittis. Fusce ac purus id leo suscipit cursus. Nam a semper magna. Morbi quis neque odio. Integer tristique fermentum diam eget tincidunt. Nunc condimentum massa a vestibulum dapibus. Proin volutpat quis arcu nec lobortis.

[former mate]

Evalon mirrors her foster mother Fawnwish color-wise, with her calico pelt, but if one were to sit her next to Sanctuary, they could easily be noted as identical. She is a small creature, standing no taller than seven inches when fully grown, with long, curly fur that coils tighter around her face, tail, and legs. Her ears are massive and stand at an attentive point constantly, making her quite difficult to overlook. Evalon has her father’s eyes - a muted grey blue gaze that shines with the same coldness as her late grandmother’s did - as well as his generally sleek, lean frame. Her small paws are webbed, hinting at Foxclan lineage, and the expanse of her legs will be coated in tiny white speckles by the end of her first year of life, due to her vitiligo. Her pupils are completely white thanks to her Star Dreamer ability. On the last full moon of each season, her eyes will turn a stunning silver. They are back to normal by dawn.


Integer nec tellus sapien. Nullam accumsan mollis cursus. Pellentesque sollicitudin, urna vel imperdiet fringilla, mauris lorem dapibus sem, ut fringilla turpis sem in tellus. Sed eu finibus elit, quis varius odio. Donec id tortor laoreet, eleifend augue consectetur, lobortis odio. Aenean non maximus risus, sed sodales lorem. Sed bibendum, dolor ut lacinia bibendum, purus erat gravida metus, sed suscipit nisl dolor vitae tortor. In posuere et nisl eu viverra.


Vestibulum quam libero, cursus vitae efficitur et, pretium vitae erat. Nulla maximus, eros at laoreet tristique, ipsum neque condimentum nisl, sed tristique purus ex non libero.