Iri Tressen



1 year, 10 months ago


Iri Tressen



Name Iri Tressen
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age Start of TCW: 35; O-66: 38
Born 57 BBY
Height 5'7"
Race Human
Affiliation Jedi
Rank Jedi Master by TCW

"I'm not going anywhere, Obi. I'm with you till the end. "


Iri is a kind and compassionate person. She has a lot of spunk and sometimes bends the Code just a little. She is on the Council and most of the time wil stress the importance of the Code.

She is by no means a strict Jedi, but she's also not totally laid back either. She's in the middle.


She has brown hair and freckles. Her hair has been kept differntly during differnt periods of her life, which are:

Youngling: short hair, kept down

Padawan: Half up, half down in bun (also padawan braid). her haid was shorter

Jedi Knigh: Half up and half down tied into braids, longer hair

Jedi Master: Braid around head and bun

By ROTS: She has he same hair as ^ but now with some greys

She also has a purple lightsaber.


Obi-Wan Kenobi

Iri knew Obi-Wan since they were younglings because they were in the same creche. They became best friends. And their friendship has continued. They were practically inseperable (and kinda still are lol). Iri knows everything abut him, and vice versa. She calls him Obi. When they were younger, the were a chaotic duo (and still a bit as adults lol). They confide in each other thngs they would never tell others. The two share a strong bond.

Ravle Vemi

Iri loved being Ravle's Padawan. They both shared a love for exploring new worlds and that's what connected them. She sees him as a father figure and really admired him. She was saddend when he left the Order, but knew it was something he believed he should do. She did not hold it against him for leaving.

Nyvi Niat

Iri took on Nyvi as a Padawan when she was 28 and Nyvi was 14. The two worked very well together and have a close bond. Nyvi is like a daughter to her. Although Nyvi never shared her love for exploring planets, she still took her to planets to show her the planet's engineering, something Nyvi loved. She got to fight alongside Nyvi a few times during The Clone Wars

Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano

Iri loved both Anakin and Ahsoka. She first met Anakin when he was first brought to the Temple (just a pass by) but she spent more time with him after he became Obi-Wan's Padawan. She taught him some things as well. And then Ahsoka came around and she loved her. Ahsoka would stay with Iri if Anakin had to go on a mission that she didn't go on. She's their cool aunt.

Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon was not her Master but to Iri, he felt like it to her. Because she spent so much time with Obi-Wan, she saw Qui-Gon a lot. She learned some things from him as well. However, when he and Obi-Wan had their issues before Pjial, she knew everything so at least she knew that about Qui-Gon and did see it for herself. The last time she saw Qui-Gon, he told her that she would be an amazing Jedi Knight. Iri was very saddned by his death, and went to his funeral.


Iri was born on the planet of Naboo. She had a mother, father, and an older brother and sister who were twins (but she doesn't remember them). She was a force sensitive child and taken to the Jedi Temple to start her life as a Jedi when she was 3 years old. She was placed in the same creche as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two of them were apart of the Kybuck Clan and became close friends. Both were rebellious and broke rules at times.

When they were both 13, they got taken on as Padawans. Iri became apprentice to Master Ravle Vemi. The two friends would still see each other, and even go on missions together. She also spent time with him outside of missions and training. This is also how she became close to Qui-Gon. He would teach her some things, she came to see him as second master.

Ravle was the one who brought out Iri's love for exploring new worlds. They would go to worlds together and explore them. He was also very good at lightsaber dueling and taught Iri all that he knew. They had a very good relationship

TPM and Pre-AOTC

Iri is not in any of th events in the movie. However, when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan return to the Temple after Tatooine, she does meet up with Obi-Wan. She also gets to talk to Qui-Gon for one last time, before he goes to walk with Obi-Wan in that balcony scene. Later, Ravle is the one who tells her about Qui-Gon's death, and she is upset by it. Her and Ravle go to the Council to request if they could go to the funeral, and they agree. Iri and Ravle are present in thta part of the movie.

Sometime after TPM, Iri is knighted. Ravle is very proud of her. However, sometime after, Ravle decides to leave the Order. Iri just got back from a mission with Obi-Wan when Ravle tells her. She's upset, but knows if it was something that he felt he should do, then he should do it. She also got ot meet Anakin during this time and loved him. Also she's a mullet Obi-Wan Defender.

Training a Padawan

Iri wanted to wait a while until she took on a Padawan, btu with encourgament from Obi-Wan and Yoda, she decided, when she was 28, it was finally time. Her Padawan was 14 year old Nyvi Niat. She really connectd with Nyvi. She was a very eager learner, and although they did not share the same interest of exploring planets , their personaltiies brought them together (mother and daughter duo). Iri always took an interest in Nyvi's inerests. Nyvi also taught her a few things about mechanics as well.

Since Iri and Obi-Wan spent a lot of time together, that means Nyvi and Anakin did. Nyvi also learned some things from Obi-Wan as well, whom she saw as a second master.

Nyvi was a fast learer, and when she was 21, Iri felt she was worthy of being called a Jedi Knight (this was a year before aotc). And she was knighted. Iri was very proud of her.


Iri fights on Geonosis during AOTC. Sometime after, at the start of the Clone War, she is selected to be a member of the Jedi Council, and she accepts. Obi-Wan was just approached about the same thing a few months prior.

The Clone Wars

During The Clone Wars, she is a General of the Grand Army of the Republic and has her own Clone Troop, the 407th. She is assigned to battles with Obi-Wan. Also, she meets Ahsoka and absolutely loves her.

She finally gets to meet Satine for the first time after the events of the "Duchess of Mandalore" episode. During the Citadel Arc, she goes with Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, Master Tinn, and Master Fisto to get the team stuck on the planet. She helps to engage the Separatis blockade of the planet in her fighter.

(i have to plan out more she's doing but here's one thing) During the deception arc, after the Council came up with the plan, Obi-Wan asks something of Iri. He wants her to tell only one person the truth, and that person being Satine. So at Obi-Wan's 'funeral,' Iri tells her the truth and Obi-Wan isn't really dead.

Order 66

Iri is on her cruiser with the 407th when Order 66 is declared. She is attacked by them, and while escaping, she sees Rem, who also sees her. She senses that he is not going to kill her. Rem leads the others away from Iri and she survives, because of him (his chip malfunctioned) She sends a message for help and it is intercepted by Bail Organa. She meet with him on his ship and is relieved to see that Obi-Wan and Yoda are alright. She goes with the two of them to the Jedi Temple and is there when Obi-Wan sees the recording of Anakin. She is one of the few people who truly knows what happened on Mustafar (she gives Obi-Wan a big and long hug after) She is there when the twins are born. Her and Obi-Wan have an emotional goodbye when its time to go into hiding.

Iri goes into hiding on Stewjon. She makes a home there and goes by the name Isabel. She becomes a farmer and has her own home. Purely on accident, she becomes very close with the Kenobi Family.

Iri spends the next ten years there She always tried to reach out to Obi-Wan, to see if he was alright, but got no response (since he cut himself off from the Force). Sometime during that tenth year, she feels a call in the force, from Obi-Wan. Although it is not directly said, she feels a call between their bond to go see each other. So Iri makes a journey to Tatoonie.

Iri reunites with Obi-Wan after ten years (emotional reunion, lots of hugs). This tales place a bit after the events of the Kenobi series, so she gets to see Qui-Gon again in the form of a force ghost (she hugs him too, yes you can hug a ghost i said so). She stays with Obi-Wan for a little bit and thne returns to Stewjon.

Iri also does a little help with the Rebellion. She is reunited with Ahsoka and Rem during this time. And yes, when Obi-Wan dies, she feels it in the force and breaks down. Obi-Wan does go to visit her as a Force Ghost after to see her and to help train her to become a Force Ghost herself one day. During his visit, he also asks if Iri could go to Tatooine and retrieve some of his stuff from his hut (he doesn't want it just there, in the desert lol). So Iri and REDACTED go to Tatooine. She brings some of his stuff with her, especially a journal he had that he wanted Iri to read (this is a jorunal that he wrote in during the Obi-Wan comic series).

After the Empire

After the empire is defeated, Iri is about 61 yrs. old. Her and Rem decide to stay together. Thye both travel the galaxy together, helping innocent people after the Empire. They also vists where Luke builds his school at one time. She lives well into her 90s, and lives until the age of 91 (this would be around the start of the force awakens) (also idk what to do, I want to live past the first order, she would be like 95 or something, but I want her to be in the scene where the jedi help Rey in tros. for now though, she dies before tfa, but im leaving it open)


She literally knows everything about Obi-Wan. They both confide in each other stuff they would never tell others.

She's basically like an aunt to Anakin and Ahsoka because she loves them.

She loves her clone troop, they're like one big family

She's also great friends with Padme since they are both from Naboo and share that in common (also gossiping lol)

She was the first to call Obi-Wan 'Obi.' When they first met (at 3 yr. old), she thought Obi-Wan was too long to say, so she called him Obi and she has been calling him that since.