


2 years, 2 months ago


Experiment: №25

Status: Pet

Gender: -

Speech: owns

Height: 60 cm

Access Level: "Climb wherever you want, just stay out of the way"-Vincent

Role in the lab: Anti-stress

Obedience: at will, rarely forced

Appealing to higher/lower statuses: No limits

Appeal to Vincent: no limits


Features: used to be listed as №20, but has since been renamed №25; the first experiment that was created by combining only part of an entity and a separate body; highly stressed, which can cause "glitches/mistakes" (black eyes with blotches); first experiment to show color markings near eyes, and not as long as others; vision problems, but excellent hearing; can purr and make animal sounds of the feline family; moves both on all fours and on two paws; afraid of almost everything; very sentimental; fluffy; completely harmless (It will never attack first, claws and teeth are sharp, but It rarely uses them); collects all purple things.

Loves: purple, blue and red colors, space, sleep, warmth, silence, furry creatures, spiders, snakes, lizards, lollipops, coffee, singing when no one can hear him, to please and raise the mood of others, listening to music, sometimes drawing and knitting

Dislikes: very bright colors, loud noises, harsh smells, humiliating others, talking a lot, hiding something from him, jealousy in his side, cold

Afraid of: darkness, heights, depth, unknown, responsibility, not being able to help loved ones, being the center of attention, crowds, dogs, cutting objects/weapons, thunder, clowns, pain, blood, fire, dolls, mirrors, being abandoned, talking about how he feels and his problems, other people's opinions, tickling, being alone and having bad emotions

The only thing that is known is that the creation of some unique experiments uses the essence of not as usual a dead person, but just a living one, as a result of which the experiments completely take over either the entire character and personality of the person, or some specific parts of them.
The combination is a very complicated and individual matter. Because of this, all experiments from №20 to №29 have been unsuccessful. That is, the behaviors and skills that were "programmed" into them were erased. They became either completely useless, did not survive, or became dangerous to others. Consequently, virtually all of them were destroyed. Those that became useless, but at the same time did not repel the eye (or Vince liked) were retained as a stress reliever, like Kwiateko.

But still, this experiment sometimes has "glitches. During this "malfunction", the eyes and mouth cavity usually fill with a black substance that prevents seeing and breathing. Programmed behavior and skills become active and the experiment becomes very dangerous. It doesn't attack others, but mostly tries to destroy itself, because the program about the "inviolability of the Master, as well as other experiments" is much stronger. It has numerous "short circuits" and "reverse programming" when the system encounters such contradictions and sends out shutdown signals. But the "built-in" regeneration works too fast and keeps them from dying, even without more than half of their body. In this state, they obey no one, and only other Pets or the Master can pacify them.

Failures occur if the experimenter experiences very strong, mostly negative emotions, due to which the Pets try to stick together, helping each other if necessary. There have also been repeated manifestations of failures when they are alone with themselves. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to leave the Pets alone and they must always be within sight of other living objects.


. Spends most of Its time with Lourence (№28).
. There is a separate little sector that acts as a private room. (Sector №25)
. An omnivore, but prefers vegetables, particularly carrots and tomatoes .
. Loves seafood and mushrooms .
. Rainbow scarf used to belong to Vincent when he was a kid, and he found it when he was strolling through his home universe. He took it back to the lab and gave it to Kwit for certain reasons. Now №25 often carries it around, but still mostly prefers to walk around without his clothes on.
. Was created with a part of his essence that contained only positive emotions, which now makes It unable to experience negative ones without harming itself.