
1 year, 11 months ago



Name Selva Straw
Age Adult
Gender Male
Occupation Strawberry Farmer
Height 5'4
Sexuality Questioning
Theme Song link

 ~ Relaxed - Hardworking - Modest ~ 

 “Happiness is a destination, like strawberry fields. Once you find the way in, there you are, and you’ll never feel low again.”

A Strawberry Farmer who hopes to bring joy to others with the strawberries they grow!


  • Strawberries
  • Traveling/Gardening
  • Gifts/Gifting
  • His pet Houndle


  • Arkeos
  • Thieves
  • Hot Weather
  • Fights


Meet Selva, a modest, hard-working, and care-free Symprite with a growing field of strawberries nearby their home. Often seen tending to their fields or chasing off pesky/sneaky Arkeos hoping to take a bite from their strawberry patches. You can also catch them traveling to either sell or gift their strawberries to other fellow Symprites! His motivation is to bring joy to others with the strawberries he tends too. He often avoids confrontation with other symprites and would only stand up for himself whenever somebody close to him is involved.


( Currently a W.I.P! )


Selva enjoys casual conversation and spending time with other Symprites to get to know them. He loves listening to other's adventures and knowledge about certain topics outside from what he's used too! He also enjoys going on small adventures with other Symps if they give him the chance. Of course, he'll eventually return back to his strawberry fields to make sure their houndle and his fields are alright. Whenever somebody is close friends with him he'll often deliver a small bag of strawberries as a gift! He also greatly appreciates gifts from other Symprites as well! Every gift he gets he treasures and every interaction he has he remembers. He'll also havequote a bit of connections with people who have a bakery or work at a restraunt due to the fact he deliver strawberries. Some would say he has the best strawberries in Capricorn-13!


  • He lives around the grassland closeby to the river as a source of water for his strawberry fields!
  • He enjoys taking strolls around the beach and sometimes taking a dip in the water!
  • Avoids the desert like the plague
  • He isn't a big fan of Arkeos due to the fact that wild groups of Arkeos's can destroy their fields, and two, he had been nipped by an Arkeos mistaking his tail for a huge strawberry.
  • While he is out traveling he will let his Houndle keep guard of the fields.
  • Once it's harvesting season Selva harvests their strawberries, packages them, and travels with their Houndle to the nearest town to sell them!
  • Everybody is always welcome to his fields! [Unless you're a thief]



Swappy [ Friends/Colleague ]

~ Selva would often deliver his strawberries to Swappy to sell and Swappy would make a strawberry cake to thank him! Eventually the two becomes close friends and would hang out together whenever they have the time! ~


Cinnamon [ His Pet Houndel ]

~ Their pet Houndle who helps protect Selva's strawberry fields from pesky Arkeos or helps Selva out with traveling when transporting strawberries on harvest season! ~


Character [ Relationship ]

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Character [ Relationship ]

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Character [ Relationship ]

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