


1 year, 9 months ago




NAME: Maksimn Windsor
AGE: 39 (?)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual



SPECIES: Unknown
HEIGHT: 6' 7"
VOICE: link

content here blah blah blah
 new line content
 content thats more than one line wow woah yahoo heehee just say anything you want


quote here, not too long

"Societies in decline have no use for visionaries."


A child of providence according to his parents, Maksim had a great deal to live up to. His father was the sixth Minister of Krazcaka, and Maksim was meant to be his eventual replacement. The boy was a prodigy, excelling in mathematics, philosphy, and dozens of other skills well suited to diplomacy. He was the perfect candidate in all regards, but the more he learned, the more disillusioned he became. How could he live in this relative luxury when the rest of his homeland suffered so? It was no secret that Krazcaka was in the midst of a post-war recession, yet his father made every effort to erase the effects within the Ministry's walls with little to no regard for the rest of the country. It took Maksim several years of this confusion to finally grasp that his father was no hero of the people, but a terrible dictator. His family controlled Krazcaka, and when Maksim finally fled the country, he vowed to destroy them. Ever since, he has put his skills of negotiation to great use organizing and leading the freedom fighters in Rush, eventually hoping to return to Krazcaka to restore the country to it's former glory.



  • Long Conversations
  • Knitting
  • Organizing Events
  • Helping Others
  • Sad Movies


  • Politicians
  • Long Trips
  • Crowded Areas
  • Blasphemy
  • Sunlight

Maksim is difficult to categorize. On one hand, his only goal in life is to kill his father; but on the other hand not only is his father already dead, but all of the laws and ordinances put into place by him have been dissolved. Whether or not he believes these facts is another story. The Windsors owned Krazcaka, and while the young Feun is now in power, almost all of their legacy has been stripped from the country. To Maksim, it's all a front, and his brother Feun is being used as a figurehead to be martyred later. It's difficult to tell if his staunch disbelief is a result of years of conspiracy, planning, and organizing; or if it's the symptom of some deeper, elusive bloodlust. Regardless, Maksim seems to be following in his cursed father's footsteps, silencing anyone who speaks against the cause or who speaks in favor of Krazcaka. Only time will tell.


Borderline Blasphemy

A selected victim is chosen as a mouthpiece. Often upstanding figures in society, their brains are reduced to liquid, parroting a fed script to rile up their followers. The body will decay over time, so it's useful to have several blasphemers active at a time. The most common use of Maksim's abilities.

Range: 10 meters for activation, unlimited range for control.

Hot Headed

A victim is thrown into a rage of emotions. Best suited for people with serious internal struggles. This ability is used to devalue someone's voice in a debate, or to cause a scene. Rarely this ability can be used in combat, but it requires Maksim to be fairly close, so it is not ideal as the victim will attack anyone nearby.

Range: 1 meter.

President's Puppet

A victim's blood is used against them, allowing Maksim to control their movements. Any abilities of the victim that require a physical motion can be used against their will, directed at whomever Maksim decides. This ability is very painful to the victim, and prolonged use can lead to death.

Range: 20 meters.

Geyser Gore

A victim's blood is boiled within their body. This causes an instant death, but the body will explode and shower nearby onlookers. This is Maksim's favorite assassination tactic, and his signature move. 

Range: 100 meters.




Maecenas condimentum dui in justo ullamcorper, eget porta ante rhoncus. Vivamus sit amet turpis gravida, molestie risus in, bibendum dolor. Nam sagittis risus sed nulla finibus tincidunt id nec nibh. Ut sed dictum metus, et sagittis felis. Quisque nec dui sit amet est rhoncus convallis sed ut libero. Nam iaculis magna quis quam dapibus rutrum. Ut rhoncus imperdiet magna, euismod suscipit ante. Etiam blandit erat eu purus eleifend, vitae congue elit blandit. Integer at ipsum sit amet justo faucibus viverra non sed mi.



Maecenas condimentum dui in justo ullamcorper, eget porta ante rhoncus. Vivamus sit amet turpis gravida, molestie risus in, bibendum dolor. Nam sagittis risus sed nulla finibus tincidunt id nec nibh. Ut sed dictum metus, et sagittis felis. Quisque nec dui sit amet est rhoncus convallis sed ut libero. Nam iaculis magna quis quam dapibus rutrum. Ut rhoncus imperdiet magna, euismod suscipit ante. Etiam blandit erat eu purus eleifend, vitae congue elit blandit. Integer at ipsum sit amet justo faucibus viverra non sed mi.