Milo Sparkz




Milo Sparkz

"Why does it hurt to not speak."




AGE 31

BIRTHDAY June 20th

GENDER Male||He/Him

ORIENTATION Straight/Greyace












Head strong and stubborn as a mule, its hard to convince him to do something he doesn't want to. He strives to prove others wrong even if throwing himself in harms way, if that is how it shall be done so be it. Growing up mute and treated like a freak of nature and like he was dumb did affect him a lot, Milo cannot stand the idea of being veiwed as stupid and unable to think for himself, after all he is an early graduate and has a doctrine. Despite his inability to speak he has saught out alternatives for communication that range from writing in a notebook, sign language, and even morse code! Fighting tooth and nail to be understood by others while not as many people make the effort to learn how to understand much.

Cold cases are his favorite cupn of tea, or coffee as he drinks black coffee regularly and doesn't sleep often, while on the back burner is the case to find out who killed his grandfather he is willing to jump on any case that is in need especially if people are avoiding it. As willing as the detective is to throw himself in danger, he refuses to let anyone else do the same and does his best to protect people he is near. As polite as Milo appears he is honestly just waiting for the moment to snap at someone and throw a chair at them from across the room, very close to becoming feral if the wrong lines have been crossed.


Magnifying Glasses


Being mocked and ignored
Feeling helpless
Skin on Skin contact



Growing up he had to deal with being mute, intense emotions and also struggling to communicate with others. This held him back from a few parts of childhood but nothing major, he still managed to make friends with people who were actually niceand willing to work to communicate with him! His parents were very loving and supporting so other than the blantent ablism that he had to deal with he was pretty okay growing up. A few times of lashing out with anger and frustration because he was struggling to express how pent up and angry he was getting but otherwise pretty sweel. Though with such condition of being mute he developed his fear of doctors, they seemed to be focused only on that aspect of him when he saw them and this greatly annoyed him how over and over he was told he was broken and uncurable. He grew up in a jewish household, finding friends a bit later on near his teen years, and caught on to learning quite fast.

College and early adulthood

As challenging as school was, Milo managed to push through and graduate early in order to also immedieatly pursure going to college. A lot of rumors arose while he was there and as much as he tuned them out they centerainly played a role in how people percieved him, dumb and perhaps paying off teachers to pass him. Through these rumors he meet Dorian, who was in a simular boat of rumors seemed to define them but that is where they got along and bonded, everyone was full of shit that spread such lies. He graduated and became a liscensed therapist and Physcologist, both of these under his belt he pursued still to be a detective as it was part of his main goal. Though what he really needed was to join the police station his grandfather worked at, though this proved difficult with him being mute and well the stigma against him already, though a friend helped him secure a position as detective! Young, fresh on the feild Milo on accident wore his heart on his sleeve for a bit, quickly learning not to do that though. He while working on a particular case met Judith, a girl he fell for and romantically pursued, they had a nice relationship up until her true colors showed. Turns out she was trying to destroy evidence and steer milo away from her drug opperation, though also while doing that she became more abusive, ignoring milos boundries up until she decided she'd try to kill him because he wouldn't let her touch him in ways he didn't want just yet. Throwing Judith in prison was just all Milo could do to feel safe and away from her for a while.


The detective now has established a place in his workforce and also in the area he lives, still facing disrespect and discrimination but he just deals with it until he snaps. He focuses and drowns himself in work constantly not wanting to rest until any case he has is closed and someone is brought to justic, and he would overwhelm himself sometimes, or Jill will make it where he cant have coffee in order to fuel his awful habbits of not sleeping. Facing the threat of a few gangs wanting him dead or on their side has become rather annoying to deal with over and over but Milo just deals with it best he can, not much he can do about that really as he is in no mood to fake his death and loose everything he has worked so hard to gain. Struggling though to keep himself together and with his head on straight at times, he mostly just needs to sleep in order to feel better but no our great detective ignores that idea. Sleep deprived and also borderline feral but Milo is still very effecient in his work and on top of things.


Jill Girlfriend

Nothing like a pair of Fire and...Electricity? Either way Milo adores Jill and loves her with all his heart, their introduction involved them bumping into each other and then getting kidnapped together, lovely way to bond!! To Milo Jill has seen him almost at his worst and since she's still around and willing to stick by his side, he couldn't wish for a better partner.

Betty Sparkz Mother

His very supportive and also kinda violent mother, she has this bad habbit of adopting people but thats okay, just means the holidays are full of people rather thank just the three of them. She is the main reason Milo is so stubborn, got it from his mother after all, along with his borderline feral urges but thats okay. Betty did think milo was gay for a while, was just wrong.

Chris Sparkz Father

His father is deaf so already having to figure out ways to communicate to people was well established in the family

Dorian Childhood Friend

Someone he befriended in college with rumors floating about both of them, rumors that werent true at all, both of them in college for simular reasons as well looking at a path to be a therapist and also just to be in college. For a brief time Dorian lived with Milo and his parents, they are very close and practically brothers.

Jethro Jones Friend

A fellow detective Milo bumped into at a bar, both of them ended up apparently working on simular cases and helping one another out. Now they are good friends and Milo's parents make sure to invite him and his partner, as well as the kids on holidays.

Zap Childhood Friend

As much as Milo was that sterotypical picked on kid who just wanted to study, Zap was into sports but also enjoyed to just sit and read. Meeting at a library in school they both bonded fast over books, later on Zap was making sure no one picked on Milo with his menacing apperance and acting almost like a guard dog.

Maria (Mia) Kennedy Friend/coworker

A fellow detective who milo looks up to greatly! To him its always an honor and a pleasure to work along side her, after all behind that cold act is a very warm person. They also smoke weed together

Elis D Coworker/childhood..acquaintance?


Mikey Client

Not only a client of milos therapy session but also..Elis' adopted kid.

Alfred Coworker

Milo is thiiiis close to throwing hands with alfred (fingers are touching) as much as a pain in the ass it is to work with Alfred, he still is willing to stick up for him and also defend him, especially that whole alfred was being framed for trying to murder milo thing.

Rye Elleesh Childhood Friend

Someone who Milo is friends with and also kinda took under his wing/adopted type beat. Rye is also the reason Milo can at least stand hugs and cuddles due to that being Ryes love language and Milo as a child not liking it.

Sorcha Howl acquaintance

You are HOW OLD????


  • Fear of demons and dogs due to awful experiences with both, he also cant look in mirrors anymore after he was briefly turned into a demon
  • Autistic as hell/pos
  • Knows several langauges, picked them up and learned them as a hobby
  • Milo has a very expressive face which comes in handy a lot, until he struggles to lie and gets caught
  • Milo smokes weed it helps to relax him sometimes when he just cant, also he stress bakes. a lot.

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