Timothy Adams



1 year, 11 months ago


Female / 1.8 m / 83 kg 

Black hair, cut very short and green eyes. Pale complexion

Born to a wealthy family in the capital that pampered her and opted out of it quickly, being absorbed by the punk scene surrounding her in the city of Holy Currents. Joining the Juvé militia actually set her straight rather than the opposite of what is to be expected when a new member enters. Discovered her charisma and how easy leadership comes to her, always keep her peers close together and is a good voice of reason, still passionate when it's worth it. She avidly enjoys training and weightlifting, and doing hard physical work. She's impeccable at card games and ambitious when gambling, often not being accepted games because her infamy. She loves teasing other women and swooning them, often seeing them as conquest, and totally unable to commit to a relationship because she enjoys the act of seduction too much, making her very popular with girls but also victim of spite of those ambitious and jealous past lovers.