Mariana Miller



1 year, 10 months ago


Female / 1.62 m / 66 kg

Deep dark complexion, black very curly hair that fades into a red dye, usually styled in braids. Dark brown almost black eyes, she wears big round eyeglasses.

Coming from a commoner working class family bordering the rural side Mariana is torn between these two worlds, having dreamed of studying in an university of the capital but struggling economically with her family, being the oldest sister of three siblings she is used to put others before her, and barely work for herself to reach her full potential. When she got the notice of the draft she was working in a local bakery and her parents pushed her to accept it for the economical advantage of serving, convincing her that after coming back a world of opportunities were going to be given to her. She accepted this despite how frightened she was. Because of her upbringing, she usually doesn't talk much and had a very low self esteem, always looking down on herself. She dreams of becoming a doctor.