


1 year, 10 months ago



Name Nagini
Called Nagi
Age 15
Gender Male (He/him)
Home realm Jötunheim
Species Pony/snake hybrid
Lives in Jötunheim
Race Jötunn
Personality Positive, chaotic
Norse origin Jörmungandr
Voice claim Varian (TTS)
Theme For Forever


  • Being a menace
  • The ocean
  • Pranks
  • content


  • Rules
  • Heights
  • Violence
  • content


Nagini was born to Kaliya and Vivian as their third and last child. Very early on in his life he saw his dad as an idol, wanting to be just like him. Due to this, he spent a lot of time with his dad rather than his mom. His bond with his siblings wasn't perfect, his older sister, Carmilla, he was close to but she left early on in his life. His older brother, Helmar, had a grudge against him so they didn't interact much. Helmar soon left aswell so Nagini grew up without his siblings. Nagini had met an Æsir God, Kiran, when he was little. The two grew close very fast and eventually became best friends. They both knew they shouldn't interact with each other, but that didn't stop them. Both of their parents knew and despised the fact that the two hung out together. After Helmar was gone, Nagini noticed his dad becoming distant.


Due to Vivian becoming more distant, Nagini spent even more time around Kiran and finally started to grow a bond with his mom. As Nagini grew, he started figuring out things about his dad and the hatred he has with the Æsir. He found out the reason both his isblings were gone was due to the Æsir but it didn't sour his friendship with Kiran. During these times, Kiran also told him a big secret about himself, the fact that he was immortal, the only thing able to harm him being mistletoe. Nagini promised to keep the secret safe. Everything came crumblind down when it started snowing mid-summer. Everyone knew what it meant and Nagini ran to Kiran in Midgard, only to witness Vivian pierce him with a spear made of mistletoe.


Upset with anger and grief, Nagini lost control of his powers and grew in size. He rampaged through the realm until Kaliya found him and calmed him down. That started the strong bond between him and his mother. Nagini blamed himself for Kiran's death, believing that he spilled the secret to his father. Nagini did calm down but he's full of sorrow so he couldn't change back to normal. Stuck in his giant form, life became harder to navigate. Things changed again when his siblings suddenly appeared after years. The bond between Nagini and Helmar was still strained but with the help of their mother, they finally started to realize they needed each other. Nagini and Carmilla remained having a close bond. Unfortunately Carmilla couldn't stay for long, but Nagini was still happy to see her again.



Kaliya [ Mother ]

Nagini grew up distant from his mom but later in life found comfort in her. He couldn't live without her.


Vivian [ Father ]

Nagini early on in life found his dad to be an idol to him. He wanted to be just like him. They grew more distant as Nagini grew and eventually just the mention of Vivian sends Nagini spiraling.


Carmilla [ Sister ]

Nagini and Carmilla always had a good bond, just a good big sister, little brother bond. Nagini felt lonely when Carmilla left and was filled with relief when she finally came back, even if it was only for a little.


Helmar [ Brother ]

Nagini and Helmar didn't get along due to Helmar being distant from him. NAgini, due to being naive, always tried to interact with his brother but to no avail. He didn't understand why Helmar was taken away but things changed after that and he partly blamed Helmar for it. Later they finally start to fix their broken bond.


Kiran [ Best friend ]

Nagini and Kiran are like platonic soulmates, they have such a strong bond. Nagini loves Kiran, as he's the most important person in his life. When Kiran died, Nagini had a hard time staying positive. He felt like he lost meaning in life.

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