


1 year, 5 months ago



Name Vivian
Called Vivi
Age 39
Gender Intersex (He/him)
Home realm Jötunheim
Species Pony/snake hybrid
Lives in Jötunheim
Race Jötunn/God
Personality Mischievous, fun
Norse origin Loki
Voice claim TBA
Theme TBA


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Vivian was born in Jötunheim to a Goddess and a Giant. Due to him being partly God, he was included in a lot of formal events, especially in Asgard. During one of these events he met (Odin) and they became fast friends. They bonded over their mutual respect for knowledge and power. The two grew up close up until their teens, when their dreams and desires started going in opposite directions. Vivian saw (Odin)'s dreams as immoral and later found out that they were exactly that. He found out his first child would have to be the next ruler of Helheim, so he argued with (Odin) about it until their bond broke completely. V During his conflict with (Odin), he met Kaliya, a Giant and they fell in love. After (Odin) was out of Vivian's life, he wanted to start a family. And so, their first and only daughter was born. Vivian struggled with his role as a father with their first-born, but when their son, Helmar, was born he was prepared. Vivian taught Helmar a lot of things and spent a lot of time with him, becojming an idol for him. A few years later, Nagini, their last child was born.


Vivian took an instant liking to Nagini, wanting to be the one who teaches him life skills. He put Helmar and Carmilla aside completely in favor of parenting Nagini. When Carmilla turned 12, Vivian was met by his old friend, (Odin), who was there to take Carmilla away. Vivian argued and faught to keep her home but lost in the end. Around that time Vivian found out that Naginiw as hanging out with Arden, one of (Odin)'s sons and he didnt agree with it but didn't do anything about it. Helmar had started to act out a lot too, so only 2 years later he was arrested and sent to Asgard. Vivian was enraged. He started making a plan to destroy (Odin)'s life and it started with Kiran. Vivian knew Kiran and his brother Arden were on bad terms, so he convinced Arden to join him in taking down Kiran. Arden told him Kiran's one weakness, mistletoe, and he made a spear out of it. Then he went to confront Kiran in Midgard with Arden. They argued up until the spear pierced through the God. Vivian heard Nagini's scream and watched him run over to Kiran's dying form.


Vivian watched Nagini cradle Kiran's body and Arden running away. It's at that point he realized what he started but it was too late. He watched as Nagini grew giant in size and rampaged through the realm. Vivian hid for a little while after that until one day he was confronted by Arden. The two argued which led to a fight that they both lost. Vivian killed Arden on the spot but he himself died of blood loss.



Kaliya [ Spouse ]

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Nagini [ Son ]

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Carmilla [ Daughter ]

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Helmar [ Son ]

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Kiran [ Enemy ]

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Arden [ Enemy/Former ally ]

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