Maci's Comments

Hi! First off, thank you so much for this chance! I'd love to have this character since she has beautiful colors and I'm a sucker for aquatic-themed characters. I have a group of characters that live in the same place (in my head lmao), and she's fit right in! I already have a bunch of ideas for fleshing out her character. She seems like she'd have a really cute gaming setup in her room and would listen to lo-fi when she's cooks because it "tastes better" (she knows how to romanticize her life and uses it to her full advantage).
As a side note, she's been in my favorites for a while, and she would definetly be staying with me for good. <3

Edit: If this isn't enough writing, I'll gladly do more!!

Xenons_Hole I'm so super sorry if i'm being demanding about this! I was just wondering if this might have been missed?

I’ve seen it. But it’s my choice to give characters away. I don’t have to give it away to the first person that comments.

Oh, ok! I was just a little confused since the folder message said youd reply, I'm really sorry for the bother!