Wulfric Finley



6 years, 4 months ago


Wulfric Finley

【 Name 】 Wulfric Finley
【 Called 】 
【 Age 】 12
【 D.o.B. 】 April 30th
【 Gender】 Male
【 Sexuality 】 Straight
【 Race 】 Human
【 Role 】Protector and mediator
【 Alignment 】true neutral
【 Style 】 Loose
【 Likes 】 
【 Wants 】 Wants to protect his sister (who is always getting into trouble)/wants what's best for the group(/tries to find the path where everyone is the least inconvenienced or hurt)
【 HTML 】 Wicked












Wulfric (Strong wolf) 


Wulfric was very much like Realynn in many ways. They both had the same friendly feel to them and a slightly mischievous twinkle in their eyes. That is where their similarities end though. Where Realynn’s hair often untamed, and kept that way, Wulfric’s hair is broken and obedient. He combs his hair every day, not that it does much, but at least he tries. Wulfric is tan, as he should be from his days in the sun. His eyes are a lively brown like they can’t stop drinking in the world they see. His fingers are tiny and baby-like, an odd contrast to his sister’s hand which are tough and rough.  Her’s are the hands of an adventurer while Wulfric’s hands belong to a scholar. This Wulfric (Wolfy)’s hair is unkempt and wild. It has darkened and at the same time, had all the life sucked out of it. His hair seems to be dusted in grey, giving him an older appearance

Becomes more or less a gatekeeper between realities. He controls the forests (sometimes using it as a means of travel) by sacrificing memories of where he wants to go. Because of this loss of memory, he shifts between personalities, all of them differ based on his current memories. He serves ????? (and by extension the forest) as a siren. He does, however, leave the forest in search of a girl he saw in a picture (which was found in a tent he happened across. The tent was that of his best friend and his best friends girlfriend with whom he falls in love with later in the story) He gains new memories while outside the forest (those never change) but sometimes he will forget certain memories and other’s will take their place leading to multiple different personalities and sides to him.


  • Is always fidgeting with something when nervous or excited or bored
  • Chews gum constantly
  • Misspells stuff a lot even though he loves reading and writing
  • Snorts when he laughs
  • Flairs his nose when scared/stressed
  • Talks a lot when mad
  • Drums fingers when thinking
  • Never sleeps/has a hard time
  • “Cas mode” is his default
  • Totally has a super sarcastic side with the right memories
  • Has edgelord mode
  • Totally has a ‘mode’ where he just can't. stop. talking to people
  • Many personalities, but he is always
  • Kind (in his own way)
Wary of people (socially akward)Caring and protective of those he cares aboutFidgets with stuff a lot


oleander200_by_lowkeywicked-db3opcy.png Character Name


oleander200_by_lowkeywicked-db3opcy.png Character Name
