Tempest Everlost



1 year, 10 months ago


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Tempest Everlost




 Age (Appearance) 

 age (True)


January 13


None for now


  • Cats
  • Riven
  • Forests
  • Family


  • Isolation
  • Deep oceans
  • Sound of shackles
  • Fighting

Character Stats

Social Reserved

Empathetic Logical

Sincere Deceptive

Bold Timid

Patient Restless

Optimist Pessimist

Serious Trivial

Polite Sassy


Splitter is a very hard person to talk to. Not only because they can't in fact talk but because they overall just don't like talking to others. She will try and start a fight wherever they go and constantly go to bars just to start a brawl or to watch them. However, they are a very good listener which makes up for her aggressive temper.


Maria Baron was born on September 22, 864 A.D. in the kingdom of Luxbright. They were born to a family of alchemists who were in the middle class. She had an adoptive elf brother named Torren who was only 2 years older than them and they were best friends. She grew up learning how to read and write and also how to fight with him. One day, when she was about 10, she decided that they wanted to become an alchemist like her father, and he was delighted. Her training began immediately. She was about 4 years into her training when she met Irena, a human girl who she had a crush on. After about 2 years, they got the courage to tell her their feelings. Irena was in disgust. She ended up telling her parents who shamed Maria for loving another girl. They stopped her training and put her in a paid inn as punishment when she was 16. Years passed and when they were 23, her brother was taken by the kings guards to be put into slavery. Her parents ran to them asking for forgiveness and to save him. She didn't forgive them but she helped them with the shop to keep it running. When she was 25 she went hunting in the woods for some extra food. Little did she know, a greedy low class demon named Repter found her. Without even striking a deal, which is part of demon law that you must negotiate, he possessed her cursing himself to only possess her stomach removing her mouth and giving them a gnarly toothed one on her stomach. Horrified at what she had become, they learned ASL, covered her stomach with chainmail as to not hurt anyone, and ran away. It was then a year later they met Riven and was introduced to the Returent. She immediately signed up and met a beautiful girl named Ellason Lightdew. She instantly fell in love.


She has a gnarly toothed mouth on her stomach due to being possessed unfairly. They have learned over time to control it better, but it's still rowdy and constantly wants to eat things (including human flesh).


The glass container on her arm opens at the top and she can throw in different ingredients to create various potions to spray at others. they also own a withered flower crown from someone...


Splitter's universe is called Toldemn, and is where all my main characters live. They have no experience with other universes and doesn't even know much of their existence.



Trivia & Notes

  • Ellason is the only one to know her real name.
  • Once every 2 years, Repter is silenced and she can talk again for only a week.
  • Her left hand is double jointed
  • She was once hit on by a guy who was a jerk and that guy disappeared 😶
  • The earrings that they wear are from Torren (see about section)
  • She loves snakes
  • They love book binding but have never done it




[ "What?! Who told you that? I don't like her. Not that I dislike her..." ]

She has a crush on her and it's pretty obvious. She is the only one they constantly talk to and isn't rude to.



[ "she's fine I guess" ]  

They sees her as a friend even though it doesn't show much. In private though they practice reading and writing together.



[ "get off my case old man" ]

She doesn't like him. She secretly cares for him like a better version of her father but she will never say that aloud. They fight with him a lot but that's her way of showing affection...right?

IHTML by Eggy