Ellason Lightdew



1 year, 10 months ago


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Ellason Lightdew




 Age (Appearance) 

 age (True)


April 2


Stephany Beatriz


  • Cats
  • Splitter
  • Helping others
  • Tulips


  • Dark places
  • Being alone
  • Arguing
  • Chicken

Character Stats

Social Reserved

Empathetic Logical

Sincere Deceptive

Bold Timid

Patient Restless

Optimist Pessimist

Serious Trivial

Polite Sassy


Ellason is a kind, feisty, and sweet person to hang around. From making you cookies, to stitching up your wounds, she is a person who is friends with everyone. Striving to be more than a healer with no powers, she will do everything in her will to get what she wants. A trait that is admirable but can lead her to make a few mistakes. Although looking younger than she is, she could positively beat the hell out of you if you deserved it.


Ellason Lightdew was born on April 2, 865 A.D. to a rotten family. When she was born, her parents thought she was a boy naming her Ellson, but when they found out they indeed had a daughter instead, they were furious. They begrudgingly named her Ellason and began their harshness on her. Her father was a cruel man who abused her and tormented her day-in day-out. Her mother was a busy woman having to take care of 7 children who never paid her any mind and when she did, it wasn't pleasant. Growing up in constant fear and doubt lead her to stay quiet most of the time, hiding in her shared room and playing with her stuffed bunny Frena (pronounced Fray-na). When she was the age of 10, she began to make a plan to escape her household. By baking bread and selling it far from her father's meat stand, she raised enough money to leave. At the age of 14, she fled and that was the last time she saw her family. She bought a room in a tavern and befriended her half orc roommate. She lived there for years, selling pastries and becoming more talkative. but, when the king became bitter with rage and began to enslave all inhuman races, she had to do something. She found Valea Tenby, a scout working for the Returent, a group of revolters wanting to give all races freedom, and joined. From then on, she became the healer of the team, having past experiences nursing her little siblings from sicknesses to gashes that require stitches.


She has no powers unfortunately. She wants so desperately to have them, but with her friends in the Returent being humans and having powers due to demons, she realizes it's not worth it to be possessed. Instead, she trains with Splitter and Riven to become better at combat. Her power is her strength.


She has a battle axe called Bandaid that stands at 6 ft tall. She also has a pouch full of sweets on her hip and a bracelet made by her little brother.


Ellason's universe is called Toldemn, and is where all my main characters live. She has no experience with other universes and doesn't even know much of their existence.



Trivia & Notes

  • She can be terrifying if you mess with her or her friends and could beat the crap out of you
  • She has never told anyone, except Splitter, of her backstory
  • She can make you the best chocolate chip cookie you've ever had
  • She is great at puzzle games and riddles
  • She has scar on her wrist that she hides
  • If she could, she would adopt all the cats in her general vicinity
  • She can make you a beautiful flower crown




[ "I ummm..." ]

She 100% has a crush on her. She is very affectionate to them and will talk to her if she can. She openly expresses her feelings and they're the only one who knows of her history.



[ "best friends" ]  

She sees her as the little sister she never had. She will protect her at all costs and Tempest trusts her enough to even come to her for advice.



[ "friends" ]

She loves Riven but there is one major concern. She has seen him at his worst and it's TERRIFYING. She will always love and respect him, but just the fact that Adrastus could come out scares her a little.

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