


2 years, 2 months ago


another fatui harbinger, anemo vision and cryo delusion

Name: Brighella

Title: The Contender, Twelfth of the Fatui Harbingers

Past Name: Kakumau

Sex/Gender: Female

Nation: Inazuma (sort of)

Affiliation: Fatui

Occupation: Fatui Harbinger, Dancer, Musician

Weapon: Sword

Vision: Anemo

Delusion: Cryo


Skills: Knows nearly every dance from every nation, can play nearly every instrument, and a talented singer. She is an incredibly intelligent schemer who knows no equal in regards to strategy (surpasses even Kokomi). Very skilled at lying, and can come up with spur-of-the-moment lies whenever the situation requires it

Personality: When Brighella puts little effort into disguising herself, she is mostly a cold and distant figure, seemingly disinterested in all that is around her, yet unknowingly calculating. Should she ever be questioned, she could come up with a spur-of-the-moment lie to fit any situation with ease. Similarly, she can easily hide her true intentions and mask her thoughts, able to act the part of most anything the situation requires. She is always careful not to allow anyone to witness contrasts that may draw attention to her. But should she somehow be discovered as pretending or acting in a contradictory manner, she could come up with a plausible explanation like it was nothing, and deal with the issue of being noticed when it became convenient for her. Despite this charisma and intelligence, though, she much prefers to stay off the radar, keeping an inconspicuous and unsuspecting appearance. This way, they will never realize how truly dangerous she is until it's too late.

Beneath it all, however, Brighella is someone who cares only for herself. Each and every one of her actions is taken to further a goal or plan, one which always ends in benefiting herself. While she is capable of some degree of sentimentality, she cares not for set loyalties. She will serve her master in only one of two ways: with undying loyalty, or by interfering at every possible turn. There is no in between, and the way she acts is determined only by which is better for her. Brighella dislikes anyone weaker or lesser than her, as they remind her of a past version of herself that she wishes to forget. As a result, Brighella has no qualms about using lethal force on others, even those in the Fatui. She also has no problem with using and discarding others like dolls, truly not caring much for what happens to them once their usefulness has expired.

Something that Brighella does truly appreciate and enjoy, however, is dance and music. Only when she is surrounded by music, be it her playing it or another performing for her, or dancing will you ever find her in a truly pleasant mood. The depth and value of such arts to her could not be overstated. It is this very love of them that has caused her to learn every instrument and dance she could get her hands on or find, leading her to master many of them over the years. Should something annoy or concern her, simply letting herself go to the sway of dance and flow of music will she calm down and clear her mind, oftentimes coming out of it in far better shape than when she began. These activities allow her to think clearly about everything, and often lead to her best plans.

Backstory: w.i.p. but the vast majority of her past is shrouded in mystery. Only through her chosen clothes and Vision does it even come to light that Brighella is from Inazuma. Even her fellow Harbingers have little clue who she was or what happened to her before she became a Harbinger. Since she became a Harbinger, she has been carefully sticking in the background, not drawing much attention to herself and allowing her schemes to play out on their own, adjusting the plan whenever necessary.

Partner(romantically): --

Friends(see notes): Scaramouche, Columbina

Enemies: Sangonomiya Kokomi (not necessarily an enemy, but she dislikes how Kokomi takes her privileged situation for granted)


-Doesn't really have "friends", but does have people that she has more positive opinions about. This being said, in the end, she still doesn't mind using those "friends" as means to whatever end she desires at a given moment

-Brighella's age is unknown. However, despite claiming to be human, she has supposedly looked nearly identical for as long as any of her fellow Harbingers have known her (which for some is multiple centuries), almost as if she isn't aging

-Some of Brighella's only true joys are song and dance. Very few forces can stop her from appreciating and enjoying any of which she may encounter, and when she is alone, she spends much of her time playing instruments or dancing. Doing these things not only puts her in a better mood, but also clears her mind and allows her to think of things that she may not have previously

-Brighella is always ready and willing to learn new instruments, songs, and dances. Whenever she notices one that she is not familiar with, wherever it may be, as soon as she has the time, she will begin to learn it

-She is incredibly good at scheming, and whenever her plans fail, it is almost always due to uncanny luck on the part of the other characters

-Despite being stronger than several of the lower ranked Harbingers, she retains the Twelfth seat. This is a personal request of hers, as the lower she is ranked, the easier it is for her to blend into the background and be seen as a lesser threat (if she were ranked in terms of strength, she would be around the sixth or seventh seat)

-Many of her attacks incorporate different dances, though there is little consistency between them. One move could be an elegant twirl from one nation, while the next could be a sudden kick from another nation

-Typically, she wears simpler clothes in order to remain inconspicuous. However, she's more than willing to wear complex clothing

information may change/get more detailed when I inevitably find a problem with it

Design notes:

-There is a braid in her hair, mostly on the back of her head

-The mask is almost always on the back of her head, except when she's wearing it

-The veil is attached to the mask

-Yes, her Vision is on her neck

-The scarf-thingy is attached to the back of her choker

-She has shorts

-The silver things wrapping around her legs are metal

-The veil is 49% opacity

-Typically, she wears simpler clothes in order to remain inconspicuous. However, she's more than willing to wear complex clothing (feel free to draw her in a more complex/detailed outfit if you want! prefereably just keep the hair, mask, choker and Vision as is)