Mimi Mignonne



4 years, 5 months ago


Full name : Mimi Minone, but she calls herself "Mimi Mignonne"

Gender : Female

Age : 26 years old

Delusion : Electro

A very overenthusiastic young woman who leaks optimism. It's very difficult, even impossible to make her mad, and if insulted she will only react by saying "ok". She speaks a lot even when she doesn't have anything to say, and will comment everything she does or sees. She often states with certainty random stuff about subjects she's absolutely clueless without realising she is totally wrong about it. That personality besides the fact she looks innocent and cute have a knack for annoying absolutely EVERYONE! She loves doing bad jokes and also always laugh at her own jokes, to the great displeasure of her colleagues.

Surprisingly, she's very reliable and you can count on her to help you in anything you're doing and to keep your secret if you have any you want tell to her. Even if she's very bad at telling lies... If someone asks her something she must keep secret, she would reply "Sorry, I can't tell you this" instead of lying.

She is very naive, and very easy to manipulate without repercussion, since she often stays still and clueless if something bad happens to her. Thankfully, her colleagues are never too far and they will run to help her, and while Mimi is pretty much harmless, Jeremy will absolutely destroy anything that will hurt Mimi.

She lives in Mondstadt and help her friend Oliver and his grand-father in their job. One day she was saved by Jeremy and since she found him handsome she decided to join the fatui, because why not, if they're all handsome like that it's a win!!


Oliver | Best friend

One of the only person who can deals with Mimi's annoying behaviour! He doesn't seem to be bothered by that when she talks to him. Mimi doesn't understand how Oliver can be afraid by slimes.

Jeremy | Colleague/Friend

He 100% hates Mimi's bad jokes but it won't stop her doing them. She finds him quite handsome but it seems to just be a random crush. A random crush that made her join the fatui BUT THAT'S A DETAIL

Oscar | Colleague/Friend

Mimi loves to hangout with Oscar, even if he's the less talkative of her colleagues. When he feels down, she always tries to cheer him up, and he does the same for her.

Lamy | Hostile acquaintance

Lamy hates Mimi with a passion and already tried to beat her. Or kill her, Mimi is unsure, but she hopes Lamy's not that bad. She still tries to be nice with her but nothing changes, except if there are other Fatui around, at this moment, Lamy will behave.

Nix | Friend

Mimi sees that he despises humans and doesn't want anything with them, but she doesn't care. She thinks he's like that because he never learnt to know a human! So she's trying very hard to be his friend, in hope he will change his mind!


• Her first appearence was in a card game I created with my brother. But that was a random character that had nothing to do with Genshin Impact.
• "Mignonne" means "cute" in french.