


1 year, 10 months ago


Follow these rules when drawing art of Zahara:

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General Fanart
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Coding by AvalonCat

Additional coding help by Captn_hawk

"Reading helps me escape from the stress of reality.."

Clove's Partner Pokemon
Chaotic Good


"Sometimes... I just sit and wonder.. what life could've been..."

A Hatterene Gardevoir fusion made in a lab. She is Clove's, Onyx's sister, partner pokemon. She is always seen by Clove's side in public, and in fashion shows/battles. Clove loves using Zahara in fashion shows due to her colours and overall appearence, they almost always win. Zahara isn't too fond of being seen as an object, used just for money and Clove's own benefit though. But she would prefer the fashion shows over the battling she has to do. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, it makes following Clove's orders very hard.

She's pretty gloomy and lonely now, not really being able to make friends or even see her only friend, because of all the work Clove puts her through. She's left mentally and physically drained and exhausted, leaving her to be even more shy and quiet. Despite her tiredness and depression, she still tries to be sweet and nice to everyone, even Clove.


  • TIMID: She's extremely quiet and shy, mumbling her words and stuttering a lot. She gets really flustered if she has to repeat herself, and says sorry quite often. She's quite jumpy as well, flinching at almost any unfamiliar noise.
  • AFFECTIONATE: She loves cuddling and hugging, she never really gets to anymore so it makes hugging more special to her. Along with cuddling, she loves soft things and will often cuddle with anything soft as well.
  • SENSITIVE: Aside from her issue with loud noises, shes pretty sensitive emotionally. She cries at an insult pretty easily, despite hearing them most of the time from Clove. She'll never get used to it.
  • GLOOMY: Zahara is pretty sad most of the time, especially when she's alone. She hates being alone. She is somewhat self deprecating, putting herself down because that's what she's used to.
  • SYMPATHETIC: She is very sweet, always asking if someone she's friend with is ok and such. She will listen to them whole-heartedly, and just be there as a crutch for her friends despite not feeling well herself.


  • Reading
  • Music
  • Affection
  • Soft things
  • Listening to friends


  • Loud Noises
  • Yelling
  • Conflict
  • Fighting
  • Any signs of anger




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"Peregrine w-wouldn't forget about me.. w-would she?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus.

continue reading

- • • -


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

- • • -

I really wish I wasn't a-a fusion...


Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

- • • -


Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.


  • Zahara's my oldest garde oc (that i still use) to date, being made on July 7th, 2021
  • She used to be different shades of purple, chosen by someone else.
  • Being 8 feet tall, Zahara often forgets how big she really is. Accidentally crushing someone she's trying to snuggle with.
  • No different to a normal hatterene, she is sensitive to loud sounds. She will lash out if a sound is too loud for her.


Peregrine Older Sister, Close

Her and Zahara are very close, and became even closer when they both became fusions. Especially with Ristol, Zinnia, and Freesia, they were the happiest together since coming to the lab. But when Zahara was sold to Clove, its like she was left alone all again. She misses her dearly, and wants to see her again.

Zinnia Close Friend

They dont see each other often, but are still very close. Zahara usually listens to Zinnia's rants about Castor and Onyx and helps to comfort her. They still do banter and laugh as if they were in their old group again as well. Everytime they get to talk is like they just picked up from where they left off.