


1 year, 8 months ago


Follow these rules when drawing art of Ragnoroma:

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Coding by AvalonCat

Additional coding help by Captn_hawk

"I have distinctive professions for sinners of all varieties."

Ragnoroma || Rag
Legendary Fakemon
Protecting Pokemon of Gado
Lawful Neutral


"I am uncaring about my reputation. I do not deserve such a vile and depraved species such as humans respecting me nevertheless."

An ancient legendary pokemon that was personally made by Notan. She is quite reclusive and cold on the outside, and generally seen as a sign of inpending death or doom by the people of Gado. In reality, she is actually quite calm and stoic, only using her destructive powers to punish evil. She despises all humans, killing or greatly injuring any who come close to it, no matter their intentions. It is the most hated and infamous Pokemon in Gado.

She usually lives extremely deep in the forests of Gado, during the day she often seeks refuge in caves or under tall trees to protect her sensitive eyes and skin from the sunlight. She is generally seen more at night, wandering around as her flaming mane and tail light up the night. Any human who enters her territory is killed or left critically injured, she protects her territory for a reason. She houses and protects multiple pokemon, ghost and alive, in her territory. Mostly pokemon that have been mistreated by humans. She's like their mother, or guardian of sorts.


  • QUIET: It is extremely quiet, and reserved. She will often just stay quiet and mumble in a conversation. Shes very socially anxious.
  • STOIC: She never shows any emotion to anyone, it'll always have that same scowl on its face no matter what. Her cold exterior does sometimes falter, especially with baby pokemon. She loves the innocence and purity of them so much, she can't help but smile a little.
  • ARROGANT: She sees herself above all humans, and even pokemon too. She demands respect from anyone who speaks with her, and doesn't want her time wasted at all. If she deems you unworthy of her time, she will quite literally kick you out of her sight.
  • COMPASSIONATE: This side of her is rarely seen, but she is quite compassionate to pokemon. Saving them from a trap or hunter, and generally helping them get food or something of the sort. It makes her day.
  • POLITE: Despite her rudeness towards humans she speaks elegantly and politely to them, even more so to Pokemon. She uses deeper, more meaningful words, and uses manners quite frequently.


  • Flowers
  • Baby Pokemon
  • Solitude
  • Night skies
  • Listening


  • Humans
  • Talking a lot
  • Arguing
  • Sunlight, bright lights
  • Being Touched




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"I wil see the end.. but never mine."

• •

The past of Ragnoroma is one she tends to avoid speaking about, and one the Pokedex tends to ignore. She used to not always look this way, she used to look more like Notan and Yonalys, before her death. She does miss the past self of hers, but has begrudingly accepted her newfound immortality and forme.

continue reading

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Her Death

Always being overlooked compared to Yonalys, Ragnoroma never had the best relationship with Notan. Even in the ancient times of Gado, Yonalys was still more popular. Despite her hidden jealousy towards her mother and sister, they still had a better relationship than their current one. Everything was tolerable until her and Notan got into a huge argument about Yonalys. Being young and emotional, Rag ran away from home. She mistakingly ran close to an early settlement made by humans. They weren't completely knowledgeable of all of the Pokemon in Gado at the time, and were extremely wary of them. Seeing Young Rag's emotional state at the time, they thought she was going to become hostile. They attacked her, trying to drive her away. With Rag not being in the greatest mindset, and also still developing, they were able to kill the young legendary.

Ragnoroma's festering anger and bitterness resurrected her before Notan could. She was transformed into the ghosty and dark being she is now, apart from her form that resembled her family more. Now recently awakened and enraged, she sought out other ghost types to help her take revenge on the town that killed her. This is when she found out she could resurrect pokemon, resulting in all of the ghost types in Gado. They burnt down the settlement that killed Ragnoroma, not bothering any other human settlements. She claimed the now ruins of the town her home, deep in the forests of Gado. She stayed away from Yonalys and Notan until she felt that Notan's rage from her death was getting out of hand, which was after 500 years of the ice age. Her mother's rage made her basically freeze the entire region, making it cold and harsh, like how she felt. Rag eventually went to Notan's mountain to unleash her remaining anger on her Mother in a violent attempt to get her to stop. It did work, but seeing her daughter's violence not weakening, Notan and Yonalys had to imprison Ragnoroma for centuries to quelch her rage. Notan eventually brought her out of her void-like prison, at the cost of the threes relationships unfortunately.

- • • -

Such an event has left this region maimed, I am afraid.

The war

Years among years after her death, the region of Gado was still calm. More humans have settled in, and have gotten more comfortable with the pokemon around. Ragnoroma had gotten used to her new forme, still being reclusive to anyone but other ghost pokemon. Everything was alright until Rag and Yonalys got into another huge argument, with Rag threatening Yonalys's life. When Yonalys seemed to run away, she thought the argument was over, with Rag starting to calm down. Until Yonalys showed up with Meloetta, as an attempt to calm Rag down. She was immediately infuriated again, seeing how Yonalys saw her as a child who needed some "babysitter" for her anger. She got so enraged she went on a rampage, accidentally destroying a village in the process.

The surviving humans of the village didn't see that it was Ragnoroma that mistakingly destroyed their town, and blamed it on the surrounding wild pokemon. They thought the pokemon of the forests were upset at how advanced that village had become. They decided to push back, cutting more trees down, eventually provoking the wild pokemon into retaliating to protect their land. After a long back anf forth of petty fights, it blew up into a full war, taking place in the heart of Gado. None of the legendaries took a side in the war, Notan telling them that it would be unfair for both sides. They would watch the battles on top of a mountain, seeing how the war would play out. Ragnoroma, however, still wanted to something seeing as she unintentionally caused the whole thing.

Sensing all of the Pokemon in need of help, a certain one stuck out to her. She visited Diancie in a nightmare, after she was attacked and scarred. She offered her the forme she now has to protect herself and the Pokemon. She never knew Diancie before this, and basically helped her so that she could help Pokemon indirectly. Diancie accepted the offer, immediately going off to fight in the battles. Ragnoroma didn't help anyone afterwards, watching the war with her mother and sister until it ended. After the war, she caught wind of the general of the human side, the very one who scarred Diancie, Orren. She blamed him for all of the pain that was caused, stalking him for years. The stalking drove Orren mad, eventually leading him to seek out Rag to kill her, just as she wanted. They fought, even though Ragnoroma could've killed him instantly, but she respects a worthy opponent. After their battle she killed Orren, resurrecting him into a Pokemon, renaming him Ormaxim. She wanted to show him what it was like to be a Pokemon, and to teach him to not be so entitled. Giving him the chance to earn his rest.

- • • -

Present Day

Ragnoroma still resides in the ruins where she once was killed, harboring countless of other Pokmemon, ghost or not, that were also mistreated by humans. She keeps them safe with her, attacking any human who enters. Ormaxim also lives there as well, with Ragnoroma teaching him empathy towards the Pokemon there, hoping to change his mindset. She still doesn't interact with Yonalys or Notan much, unless they are fighting. Her and Yonalys often get into fights, with both being hard-headed and stubborn about their beliefs. They still do care about each other though, neither of them can really show it with the constant arguments. Ragnoroma is mostly seen at night, walking around as her flaming and glowing patterns faintly light up the darkness she also exudes. Although simply seeing her is seen as a sign of impending death or doom to the people of Gado, often appearing in the nightmares of anyone who get too close to it. Therefore, there has been a rule set in Gado to avoid going out at night unless you have a bright flashlight to keep Ragnoroma at bay. Despite all of the hatred surrounding Ragnoroma, she is still a respected legendary, having art and costumes made of her and featured in Gado's festivals.


  • Her spear can split into a bow, although she rarely uses it like that.
  • She likes flowers because her mother and sister have some growing on them, she used to as well.
  • She has moderate Haphephobia, the fear of being touched. Mostly with living things though, it feels weird.
  • She doesn't mind for other ghost pokemon to touch her, or to talk with her. She just likes to sit and listen.
  • She hates when someone sits on her back, the only things she will let on her back are baby pokemon. Ghost or not.
  • She's immortal now, basically being a zombie. It can be killed, it just wont die of old age.
  • Her name comes from the word Ragnarök, if it wasn't obvious.
  • Rag's surprisingly one of Peregrine's top cafe regulars. She likes to sit outside while enjoying her drink/food and sitting in peace.
  • It's ambidextrous, but it does prefer its left hand.
  • Just like the rest of the trio, the 'armour' on it is part of its skeleton, its pure steel.


Notan Mother, Tense

Notan was somewhat neglectful to Ragnoroma in her childhood, favouring Yonalys. Even though Notan is now geniunely remorseful, Ragnoroma is still distant and cold towards her. Despite that, Rag does love her mother, just doesn't know how to express it now.

Yonalys Sister, Tense

Yonalys and Ragnoroma argue a lot, especially about humans. Yonalys defends them while Rag detests them. They argue so much they end up fighting, damaging the area around them. Yonalys still loves Rag though, and even though she doesn't show it, Rag does too.

Ormaxim Servant, Tense

A former human general of ancient Gado that now partially serves Ragnoroma whenever she calls on him. She is not cruel to him, more of a stern teacher, giving him the chance to redeem himself before she puts his soul to rest. Despite his arrogance and unwillingness to change, she believes he can change, he just needs time.