

1 year, 11 months ago


Two faced bitches
never lie!
And therefore I never lie!
  • Spiders
  • Robots
  • "Unusual" things
  • Stuck up scientists
  • Being snuck up on
  • Societal rules
full name


Spider, Little Spider

He/Xe/Mirror pronouns

Biromantic Asexual

April 18

A-OKAY! ;;3
Smart, clever, reckless, but socially withdrawn. A spider who seems a little too young to be living on his own. Overly enthusiastic, but harbors darker insecurities beneath a playful smile.

A bit of a mixed bag, this one. Sawyer seems reckless and impulsive, rushing into things almost immediately with enthusiasm; whether it be ambushing strangers on the roads or running headfirst into perilous situations. He's very enthusiastic, with an energy that can rival firecrackers, especially when it comes to science. However, contrary to his surface level volatility, Sawyer is actually a very calculated person. He seeks to have some semblance of control over any situation, often calculating many possibilities before jumping headfirst. But underneath all those levels of control and enthusiasm, Sawyer is actually a very anxious and insecure individual. The struggles he underwent caused identity issues in his late teenage years, to the point where he barely considers himself a person due to his skewed sense of self. Scared and fearful of being hurt again, Sawyer prepares his fangs for if ever he needs to bite to protect himself.


Sawyer was born to Michael and Melrose, husband and wife both leading Hexa Industries, a large robotics and tech company. However, the stress of the work drove a huge rift between the two, causing Michael to become colder and Melrose to become more withdrawn. Despite this rift, Melrose did all that she could, raising Sawyer to become an extremely intelligent individual at a very young age. She encouraged him to show off his skills in competitions and showcases, garnering a decent amount of fame for his prowess. Distant Michael, who had been mostly absent in his son's childhood, saw his potential and began pressuring him to be better, putting more weight on the young spider's shoulders. Not long after, Melrose ended up passing away in a laboratory accident, shielding Sawyer from the blast. Sawyer fell into a deep depressive state, staying locked away in his room. He grew spiteful of the assistant robots his father sent in to care for him. None of them acted like his mother. None of them walked and talked like her. But maybe he could change that? After ambushing and reprogramming a robot to have a personality similar to his mother's, Sawyer became more spiteful, questioning why other people couldn't be so easily malleable. He fell to his father's influence, becoming cruel and angry as he climbed the ranks in his father's company. He treated others like the dirt he walked on, and rarely ever showed gratefulness. It was only when he lost his arm and leg in an accident that he finally saw the light. Sawyer became confused by the genuine concern and care the doctors exhibited. Why were they here, teaching him how to walk and use his hand again, when his father never even showed up? It sparked a curious fire in his heart. What made people act this way? When he returned home, he became so fixated by the thought of a world beyond The Hivehub and the people out there, that he fought back against his father, heavily injured him, and escaped into the great unknown, where he started living on his own.



  • Sawyer was originally meant to represent the cardinal sin of sloth. This was later changed and completely reversed.
  • Sawyer used to be represented by crows. Nowadays, it's more of a secondary motif than primary symbolism.
  • His voiceclaim is Varian from Tangled the Series!
Design Notes
  • Sawyer doesn't wear the top half of his jumpsuit whenever he wants to act mysterious, or to create a bit of distance from himself and the people around him. When he actually wears his jumpsuit properly, it's usually because he's trying to look friendlier or more appealing in the eyes of onlookers.
  • His eyes are actually grey! For now.
  • His carapace is roughly inspired by the bold jumping spider (Phidippus audax)!
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