
Dioptase coming from BDs court was made to be an emotional regulation gem. She was made with the abilities to change, and regulate the emotions of the gems around her. Typically this was used to "correct" offending gems emotions as a prevention to poofing and resetting a gem. A resetting a gem is a complete wipe and as such interpersonal information is lost, and it can be hard for that gem to reintigrate with it's previous group. Though during the war these gems were also sometimes used to keep the spirits high artifically.

Di had very little participation in the war, as she was settled with the task to sooth and make gems continue to comform on HW while the war on Earth happened. Di over all wasn't very affected by the war and didn't care much for the gems she had to make conform, it was her job, and though she was made for it, she didn't seem to experiance many feelings herself. She never quite got why gems bothered to act out.

Rn she only aligns herself with the CGs post war is because that makes the most logical sense to her, and she'd be lying if she wasn't interested in doing other things once in awhile lol