
Cavansite's are used primairly to ice build and look pretty! So while she was on HW that is what she did. She did not participate in the war.

Post war and post coming together, Ice easily slid over to the crystal gems, wanting to explore her options and being ready to do new things. Ice building was fun and all, but there was so much more out there that she always dreamed of doing!

Though there were many things that came as a surprise to the gem! She--like many other Cavansites found out, is that they have an entire set of secondairy abilities that didn't have any use until now. Dreamwalking, precognitive dreams, as well as some of them finding out they have some mental capacity for psychic abillites! This exited Ice and she developed another obsession(as many of her gems her type have at least one!) with dream walking, she finds it so much fun---and doesn't quite get that it can be quite insenstive to just---peek around in someone elses head!

Sheeeeee'llll figure that out....maybe lol

(...Also her other obession is colored ice, she loves it so so so so so much)