Vagrance's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

This character is considered part of the Tart's Exotics Closed Species and thus must follow these rules.

- The TH Profile must never be deleted. Why would you?
- The main image can not be removed from the archives. I know you can see the delete button on the image. Please don't click it.
- You may trade your free exotics, but you need to fill out the form within the discord or have your partner do so. Only those bought for money may be resold.
- These can be revamped without an item, just keep them recognizable.
- These are for personal use only.
- If your exotic is voided, they can only be gifted, and you or your recipient must still post a form in the discord.
- Rules are subject to changes.

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