


1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Hadeon

Aliases: Youngest Equalizer, Equalizer of Creation, Team Hypnosis Leader

Gender: Male

Age: ~20

Faction: Nightingale, Team Hypnosis

Powers: He can conjure/summon anything he can think of. This includes living beings. His power is so immense that he has to wear several golden ropes at all times to contain it.

Skills: Highly intelligent and a masterful strategist, he's also very good at fighting. Unrelated, but he can drive trains (mostly) safely. He's also very skilled with ropes and knots.

Personality: Hadeon is one of the few people in the world to obtain the rank of Equalizer in the organization of Nightingale(basically the highest rank other than the direct leader), and the only one to do it so young, by over a century, and also leads Team Hypnosis, the team responsible for keeping order in the world. This is due in no small part to his intelligence and ability to manipulate a situation to his own gain. Hadeon is reserved towards people he doesn't know, but much more open to those he considers friends. Despite his deep-seeded belief that love is pain(not that being in pain is love, but that love unquestionably brings with it pain), he can be found having fun with Team Hypnosis a lot. He holds those he trusts close to his heart, and will not easily let them go. Around people he trusts, he can sometimes be found forgetting his responsibilities and burdens, acting more immature than one would think.

When he's alone, however, he can typically be found reading or thinking of personal matters. He enjoys both fiction and nonfiction, with his present interests being about Innoire and all of the inventions created by that fallen nation, especially trains. As for the personal things he ponders in his free time, one such matter is that of the late God of Creation, and the connection between her and himself that someone or something is hiding from him.

Family: --

Friends: Viata(later), Team Hypnosis

Enemies: Kiah(she might be on his team but he does not like her at all)


-He's haunted by the past of the god of creation(who he's the reincarnated form of) and her destructive goals, and he fights against the will to destroy every day

Design notes:

-His hair is in fact two colors, can be drawn with a solid change in color or as a gradient

-His hair is usually kept in a low ponytail, but when it's not, it goes about to his shoulders in length

-He likes his hat and is not typically seen without it/a variation of it

-The golden ropes are required to be drawn, unless he's using his full power. They help contain his power and he doesn't go anywhere without them unless he absolutely has to

-Sometimes his eyes glow, especially in the dark

-The design seen in the second image is an alternate outfit of his, feel free to draw either outfit he has(unless i have stated otherwise)