Captain Justice



1 year, 10 months ago


Justice Banneret

Byline / edited date

Image caption here

Name Justice Banneret

Born June 1st, 19XX

Orientation Heterosexual

Occupation Orange Lock Captian

Relationship (Idk he has a wife... uh)

Realtive (Mom)



Theme Antarctic Reinforcement - DM DOKURO

Justice Banneret is a Captain and Veteran stationed in Game Campaign City, XX. He leads a very private personal life, having only shown up publicly for certian press conferences.

It is rumored that there is a rivarly between him and fellow Captain, Caitlin Knight. However, Justice has never made a clear statement on this.

When asked about his epithet, Justice has stated that "It should be fairly obvious." and nothing further.

Known abilities that he posseses include:

- Cryokinesis

- More Cryokinesis

Early Life

I'm breaking wiki character. He had parents, he was raised normally, probably lived in Minnesota, moved to GC City. He's just kinda boring at this point. Joins the military for a hot second (or a cold one), came back. Did some stuff. Now he's a Captain. IDK MAN.



After becoming a Captain in 20XX, Justice would reportedly push his officers in "The right ways no one else would", seeing to it that they can disarm criminals as quickly as possible. Their goal is to limit as much damage and casualites as possible, opting to disarm and secure.

The Incident

According to the XX/XX/202X Press Conference, Justice's station and officers were severly targets by two unknown criminals, apparently in charge of the several Power outages at the time. It is important to note that this conference was not given by Justice at the time, instead by Squad Leader Opal Dess, as Justice was recovering from severe injuries along with several officers.

It's not known publicly the impact this incident had on Justice, only that he was off duty for a month.

Personal Life

Focused, Calm, Calculative Cold, Agressive, Protective to a fault







As Captain, you need to be ready for anything

A cold man, stays focused, calm and collected. It’s hard to trip him up or get him heated. He cares about each of his officers, completely ready to take a bullet for any of them. He does find it hard to accept help, putting faith in himself that he can accomplish anything. Or is it more that he needs to accomplish anything. It’s definitely something he’s working on with his therapist.

His epithet stunts his emotions and personality some, making him come off as flat or dull. Only a few people can warm his heart.


Caption here with a link.


  • Weightlifting
  • Birds
  • Soda and Iced teas
  • Skating


  • Heatwaves
  • Rulebreakers
  • Mario Kart (Because he's bad at it)
  • Flies


  • He is 6'4" (an inch shorter than Knight)
  • He is 45 (a year younger than Knight)
  • Wears his wedding ring in his dreadlocks
  • His epithet class is Bx-8-C


Captain Knight, 10/27.

Okay but their rivalry is entirely real.

Like fire and ice, they say. The Hot Headed Knight and Stone Cold Justice always wish to one up each other, do what the other can't, have the better officers. Neither are winning.

It's hard to tell if you aren't very close to him but Justice doesn't at all hate Knight. He's intense about their forever competition but he cares deeply about her well being. He sends her officer's birthday cards, will fight along her side at the drop of a hat, offer up any help she needs. Even if he's the one who really needs it.

Every year, he always gets her a high quaility pot of Iced Decaf Green Tea for her birthday, even though knowing damn well she won't drink it.

"I bet you I can lift 50 more pounds than she can."

Chief Korol, 10/20.

The boss, his chief.

Justice will listen to Korol's every word closely and carefully, never faultering. Korol is so efficent, how can you not listen to him.

Post, date.

Justice's Right hand.

Despite Post not being in any postion of power at the station, Justice makes sure that they stay close to him. Justice is very concerned about Post's mental well being, given his new condition. Because of this, Justice takes him everywhere, making sure people treat them with the respect they deserve.

But Justice also seem potential. Post has always been creative, keeping a sharp wit. Justice wants to make sure that it grows healthily. Maybe learn together how to use Post's new features.

Justice cares. Justice cares a lot. It's the best he can do after Flory had to retire. He'd never forgive himself if another officer had to be follow her.

Dara, 10/20.

Justice's Left hand, his trusted genuis forsenic scientist.

Thinks they need therapy and to call their parents. Badly.

Otherwise, Justice really trusts Dara, enough to invite them over for dinner with his family. Treats them like a friend when outside of work. Sends them drawings that his daughter makes, the good stuff.

Will forever try to rationalize their almost spot on predictions as a result of their epithet. Will refuse to comment further on it. Because it deeply unsettles him. Not sure why. It's all around weird for him