Anthorith County Map



1 year, 10 months ago


Anthorith County

East Abelia

Anthorith County, basically where most of my OC's live.

Anthorith is the capital of the county [red star]. Some of the cities are labelled but not all of them. The purple dots represent where some of my ocs reside or where a certain story might take place.

Rx Control

The duration of Rx Control takes place all over the county.


Honey Ramen

Honey Ramen takes place specifically in the city of Krose. Krose is a beach city that prioritizes in sea freight shipping and refineries. Besides that, there are many exquisite restaraunts and amazing city life that some would rival with Anthorith.

  • Idagio is the city of music. Its name is in reference to the musical term "Adagio".
  • Scarlet Forest is called that for its many redwood trees. It is also known for many murders.
  • Long Port is a direct parody of Long Beach.
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[Valentine's Songbird]

Idagio is the heart of the entertainment district. It is infamous for its endless amount of entertainment and talent. Where ever you look, there will always be performers hoping to make it big. Ilorelei is a resident opera singer.

Se Koni

[Angel and Nola]

Se Koni is a relatively okay city, but is dubbed the "Skid Row" of Anthorith Country. Se Koni has a high population of non-human species such as Angels and Elves. Because of the lack of job opportunities and funds that go to Se Koni, a lot of the residents resort to crime and illegal activity to make a living.


[Urien, Theirry, Tarren]

Arisle is the Beverly Hills of Anthorith City. It is the city of luxury, and only people rich enough to afford the lifestyle can live there. It also holds many iconic shopping centers full of luxurious, high-end brands.

Code by Hanae