Princess Hestia of Bahn




Basic Information

[ Name ] - Hestia

[ Nicknames ] - Fire Lily

[ Age ] - 21

[ Gender ] - Female

[ Sexuality ] - Panromantic Asexual

[ Pronouns ] - She/Her/Hers

[ Species ] - Nuivan

[ Height ] - 7'5


[ Magic Ability ] - Acid Flame

This ability creates flames that are at the melting point equal or more effective than acid as a chemical, so much so that its burns mimic that of acid itself. These flames appear a pinkish color, but the pretty appearance doesn't mask the pain it can cause a person.

[ Magic Class ] - Flame


[ Significant Other(s) ] - Myrin

[ Siblings ] - Agni and Flinte

[ Parents ] - Ignatius and Hestice

[ Extended Family ] - N/A

[ Friends ] - Malcolm Pierce, Leilanna

[ Enemies ] - N/A