


6 years, 8 months ago


Initial concepts for this particular design:

Name: Vidcervi -- Those who visit and frequent their shop often refer to them as Seer.

-- Owns a decently small but well known and sought out shrine in a centuries old forest, from which they offer their services in the form of fortunes, aura reading, and other various things. People often come seeking answers, and Vidcervi has a wealth of other wordly knowledge at their hand to give -- if your intentions are pure of heart, that is. Those that might use Vidcervi's knowledge for any ill will are highly advised to steer clear.

-- Any version of what adds up to the question "What are you?" is always met in vague retort

-- Mask cannot be removed by force

-- They have a soft, light voice; many find it calming

-- Rarely travels from shrine

-- Appears benevolent, but is a generally neutral party

Feel free to take these ideas and use them if you would like, or come up with your own to go along with the design!

I'm willing to create a small (chibi-esque) back view reference to go along with the front view for an added $5

This design is no longer for sale! Sorry!!