⛵ ⭒ Sailpaw



1 year, 10 months ago


You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

-Dr. Seuss
name Sailkit
age 6 Moons
gender Male
pronouns He/They
rank Alleyclan Kitten
orientation Questioning
Demeanor Excitable

code jiko


Sailkit, also known as Sailor or Captain, is a brown and golden tom cat with high degrees of white spotting and orange-amber eyes. Excitable, loving, and joyful, Sailkit only wants to make friends with others. He doesn't try to hide any part of himself, and is very open about everything, including his love for the Polix, whatever it may be. Though, he usually gets a scolding from his mother, and only talks about his love for it around his family. His mom knows he shouldnt' have such a great love for the group that Alleyclan is at war with, but she has no strong opinions either way. She just wants her family to be safe and happy, and doesn't need her sons love for the enemy to get them chased out or killed.

Sailkit loves his mom and sisters, and wants nothing more than to travel the world with them. He loves his friends as well, Nintendopaw (Nin) and Inkpaw of Alleyclan, and Guppy, Tortilla, and Arctic of the Polix. He also loves his bird, accurately named Bird-Bird, who is a piping plover that showed up one day, a bandage around its wing. Sailkit loves his bird more than anything, and always listens when said bird chirps at him, especially when avoiding places or things.
Sailkit HATES being cooped up, and always wants to explore, though he is unable to due to his age. That doesn't stop him from sneaking out as often as he can. One thing he doesn't understand (and dislikes that he doesnt understand) is where those who are "missing" go. His mama said his dad and friend, Juicekit, are gone, and he wants to find them, but doesn't know where to look.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Aware Oblivious
Emotional Numb
Active Lazy

⚓ Before Sailkit was born, his mother was part of a group named The Misfits, composed of many different cats. The leader, was named Swallow, though the group ran themselves. Swallow was just the one who took charge if charge was needed. The healer of the group, and partner to Swallow, was a calico cat named Cherry. The other adults of the group were Patch, Tiger, Pipsqueak, and Mistly. The other six members were Fluffer, Sugar and Salt, Peppermint, Cinnamon, and Moonstone. This small group of cats lived a happy life by the seashore, far away from where Sailkit lives now.

⚓ One night, a huge snowstorm struck, causing Nautical to get lost. Despite her name, she was bad with directions, and wandered alone for many moons until she found Alleyclan. Without much thought to it, she moved into the city as tentions between Alleyclan and the Polix were rising. Neutral she stayed, until she met a tom named Shipwreck of Alleyclan. The two hit it off instantly, bonding over their love for the ocean and adventure. Nautical, curious about this tom, decided to join the clan. She went through the assessment with ease and was given the name Oceanfront, but decided to go by her own name, with her new one on the backburner, so to say. Only a few moons in, Nautical announced she was expecting kittens, and the two began to prepare, though with war in sight, it wouldn't be easy.

⚓ Sailkit was the second born, but the smallest by far. There was some confusion when the three siblings were born, and their mother gave them all full names, unaware of the ranking systems. Sailkit, Seakit, and Saltkit were Sailboat, Seashore, and Saltwater for approximately two days before she was informed of her mistake. Nautical and Shipwreck were always adventurers, and didn't fail to pass that along to her kits. Sailkit and his sister were raised mostly by their mother, while their father spent a lot of time out, preparing for war. While the siblings were young, their mother took in a kitten named Juicekit, who Sailkit loved to spend time with.

⚓ [Gore warning for the next two paragraphs.] When Sailkit was around 3 moons old, the battle between Alleyclan and The Polix occured, which resulted in the death of Shipwreck, killed by Beau, a Polix member. That night, Nautical didn't allow her kits to leave the den they slept in, and it was one of the only nights Sailkit and his family didn't watch the stars before bedtime. The next morning, Sailkit saw his mother cry for the first time, but didnt understand why. He saw the body of his dead father, but didn't see the issue. He had fallen asleep while eating berries, Sailkit did that all the time!

⚓ The following night was quiet. Sailkit and his siblings spend a lot of time with each other while his mom grieved the death of their father. Sailkit was determined to make his mama happy again, so he and Juicekit set out to get flowers and berries for their mama. Unfortunately, they didn't see the darkness in their future. While Sailkit gathered flowers and feathers (with Bird-Birds help of course) Juicekit was finding berries and yummy leaves, though he strayed too close to the thunderpath. Juicekit didn't seem to see the bright lights approaching as he was collecting, and wandered onto the pavement. Within a few moments, Juicekit was hit by the car, his body sent flying across the road. Sailkit watched as this event happened, unsure of what in specfic he had witnessed. Sailkit and Bird-Bird sat besides the road for the rest of the night, completely still and silent. When morning did come, he was found by Lovesick and Nautical, the latter breaking down as soon as she saw what happened. Lovesick took the kitten back to camp while Nautical did her best to gather the body of Juicekit. Sailkit doesn't remember much of this day and night, and thinks his father and brother are just missing, as if some of the memory was wiped or dampened for the young kits safety.

⚓ Now, Sailpaw only wants to travel the world like his parents did, but is, for the foreseeable future, "trapped" in Alleyclan. Although Alleyclan is alright for now, he doesn't plan on staying here forever.

Design Notes
  • Sailkits left ear under the hat is folded.
  • Sailkits design is symmetrical aside from his face, which is without the white markings.
  • The top of Sailkits head has very scruffy fur that is always messy due to Bird-Bird sitting there all the time.
  • On the left side of his face, Sailkit has an underbite that is often poking out.
  • The bandana Sailkit wears was a gift from his father, who also gave Seakit a necklace and Saltkit few fake flowers, which she has since misplaced.
  • Sailkit doesn't know that the Polix is a place, and thinks its a title for those who live in the church. He will occasionally call his friends "Tilla Polix" and such.
  • This young kit doesn't yet understand the concept of death, and thinks that his parents just split apart. He doesn't understand why they would, didn't papa love him?

Music Box
Well, he said to me, "Child, I'm afraid for your soul"
These things that you're after, they can't be controlled

The Crane Wives
Tardigrade Song
Cosmo Sheldrake
Birds of a Feather
Fish in a Birdcage
My Calling
The Cooties